Same old bullshit just keeping the fight alive PLEASE CHECK OUT WWW.CHANGE0054.BLOGSPOT.COM No lies and yes the truth hurts I'm pro union all the way even if it cost me 8 yrs.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Hitler will fall
There admin of NHC said if u don't like it walmart is across they way and YMCA across the street .... What the hell that's what he thinks of us and his workers!!!!!! The vote scares him cuz he might lose his hitler ways
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Think about this
If some of you think the corporate dog and pony show that has been going on for the past few weeks is going to last you have been fooled. Companies that are more efficient have fewer levels of bureaucracy. We can't embrace the wisdom in our own crowd if we don't vote "YES" for the UNION. To allow for a happy productive environment in which to work we have to have the guts to stand up for change. Our workplace environment will only propel a 'we are in this together' mentality if we vote for change. It is a proven fact that when we stand united we have a deeper sense of accountability. It isn't just about money. It is more about participation in creating a cultural leadership that can view an organizational democracy as a vehicle for growth. " VOTING YES" is a victory for change. Corporate needs to be shown that democracy in the workplace allows you to reach your goals faster, more efficiently and with wisdom. You have heard of outsourcing, well, this is crowdsourcing; it embraces trust, individuality, risk, social responsibility, an entrepreneurial attitude, one's passion and a promise to provide leadership in the workplace. To flourish in the workplace "VOTE YES." I don’t know an employee that doesn’t want to be respected and heard. If you vote "no" your voice will never be heard. The only voice you will now hear is the "voice of regret." You will continue to be an employee who doesn't matter. You are just a number that equates to dollars and cents for a handful of greedy corporate so-called leaders. Why do you think over 100 Forturne 500 companies realize "Empowered Employees" provide the best ideas for a company. Vote "no" and continue to stay powerless like you are now. Don't be fooled that the last few weeks have brought change. Do you really have a clue that the current feelings you might be having are because of their fear of losing control. So for a few more days they will play the "they are so stupid" game and make you believe this is real. I refuse to be so insulted. Hear your inner voice and "VOTE YES" for change and you will see that employee-centricity will solve problems faster and growth will occur at a faster rate. "VOTING YES" is the vision of a viable solution for a better quality of life for our residents and a nice place to work
Friday, November 11, 2011
It is down to the wire ........
It is down to the wire. People flipping sides yes saying no and no saying yes. But it all comes down to the vote.. Do you want change or do you
Want it to stay the same? We had a good leader at one time
That acted like a stwart looking out for the residents and staff. So no we didn't need a union now we have a puppet on a string.... That does what she is told no matter if it is right or wrong.... That needs change we need security just like the residents
Sad to say but it is not there!!! Look at all the people that got fired with no just cause
Without the union... You will be fired too no matter what shirt u wear..
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Corp loyalty....
Fucking lies betrayal unwanted aggression.... Fear in my opinion they are union busting.... How many thousands of $$$ did u pay to be guided in this practice ....
As far as shutting the doors ain't no money to be made by that practice...
Worst they can do is sell it and that won't be bad .... All I have to say is no loyalty from corp the best and long time employees ...Linda Dowlen... Christine Rutland...Jimmy Thorson... Darlene Baldwin...___________ fill in the blank on who is the best and is next.... Comment who u think is the next one in line.
As far as shutting the doors ain't no money to be made by that practice...
Worst they can do is sell it and that won't be bad .... All I have to say is no loyalty from corp the best and long time employees ...Linda Dowlen... Christine Rutland...Jimmy Thorson... Darlene Baldwin...___________ fill in the blank on who is the best and is next.... Comment who u think is the next one in line.
Friday, October 28, 2011
the fight continues
i know that it is scary that at any time any one of you can be fired... but it is always been like that. how many times did you hear that your co worker was on the chopping block. but they did not know that is was happening to them... well are you the next to NOT know. and i was pretty good. congrats to the ADMIN. knocked me right out of the park. but did it help i dont think so.... i am louder than ever and will cont to be heard by now over 5,000 times with both sites. the CHANGE0054 nad this site.
they know what i want but refuse to give it to me my check was 54.00 how nice is that. im out of work but im still holding strong and helping cuz i stand for something. those mindless sheep follow orders. well give me what i deserve my vacation. and ill ceasce and assist. keep strong UNION PROUD.
they know what i want but refuse to give it to me my check was 54.00 how nice is that. im out of work but im still holding strong and helping cuz i stand for something. those mindless sheep follow orders. well give me what i deserve my vacation. and ill ceasce and assist. keep strong UNION PROUD.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
Hey bad ass tolls / hacker ( funny )
Because u can use a torrent site don't make u a hacker.. Plus u hack my site that is illegal look at the boy who hacked Sarah palin prison......
Even if you could get a list of ips they change weekly for home users without a static ip, and daily for traveling users. Having a grip of an ip that is recent enough that it hasn't been reassigned (which there is no way of knowing) can get you into the right hemisphere but it wont get you the identity of persons using it. The only one who can do that is the ISP providing the client and they are bound by a privacy policy that says they cant/wont share those coorilations unless it's required by law then a warrant must be issued. There might be a few out there who have the skill necessary to get around it, but people like that have better shit to do than troll an I hate my job blog.
Even if you could get a list of ips they change weekly for home users without a static ip, and daily for traveling users. Having a grip of an ip that is recent enough that it hasn't been reassigned (which there is no way of knowing) can get you into the right hemisphere but it wont get you the identity of persons using it. The only one who can do that is the ISP providing the client and they are bound by a privacy policy that says they cant/wont share those coorilations unless it's required by law then a warrant must be issued. There might be a few out there who have the skill necessary to get around it, but people like that have better shit to do than troll an I hate my job blog.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Howdy ....
Got to be headin on I hope u all have a good life I hope I've touched urs the way u have mine. Tell my res I love them very much
Drink a dr pepper for me once n a while. I'll see u again.. Maybe give me one last shout out at ur boy ( this is typed using t9 ) for those who are proper Internet bloggers.
Haha monkeys I like that !!! Head monkey signing off over and out !!! Fuck off
Drink a dr pepper for me once n a while. I'll see u again.. Maybe give me one last shout out at ur boy ( this is typed using t9 ) for those who are proper Internet bloggers.
Haha monkeys I like that !!! Head monkey signing off over and out !!! Fuck off
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

THEY DREW FIRST BLOOD NOT ME MEMORABLE QUOTES Rambo: There are no friendly civilians! Trautman: But I'm your friend Johnny! I was there with you knee-deep in all that blood and guts. I covered your ass more than once. Seems like baling you out of trouble's got to be a life-time achievement for me. Rambo: There wouldn't be no trouble except for that king-shit cop! All I wanted was something to eat. But the man kept pushing Sir. Trautman: Well you did some pushing on your own John. Rambo: They drew first blood, not me. Trautman: Look Johnny, let me come in and get you the hell out of there! Rambo: They drew first blood... Trautman: I don't think you understand. I didn't come to rescue Rambo from you. I came here to rescue you from him. Teasle: Well, we all appreciate your concern Colonel, I will try to be extra careful! Trautman: I'm just amazed he allowed any of your posse to live. Teasle: Is that right? Trautman: Strictly speaking, he slipped up. You're lucky to be breathing. Teasle: That's just great. Colonel, you came out here to find out why one of your machines blew a gasket! Trautman: You don't seem to want to accept the fact you're dealing with an expert in guerrilla warfare, with a man who's the best, with guns, with knives, with his bare hands. A man who's been trained to ignore pain, ignore weather, to live off the land, to eat things that would make a billy goat puke. In Vietnam his job was to dispose of enemy personnel. To kill! Period! Win by attrition. Well Rambo was the best.
Rambo: I could have killed 'em all, I could kill you. In town you're the law, out here it's me. Don't push it. Don't push it or I'll give you a war you won't believe. Let it go. Let it go.
Monday, October 10, 2011
OHHHH OHHHH OHHHHHHHHH shit this is the place to be a retarded comedian but we all know where this one is so have your fun..... love the recipes and what we are gonna wear ect. you all are so funny.
i bet everyone that took this kinda serious realizes who you are...

Threatening is against the law. and the LABOR BOARD has its own LAWS too
i think you might should have consulted with the legal team in Arkansas.... wait
you didn't. and as you walk down the hall better have your head high, because you
just showed how truly stupid you are.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011
10/4 rubber duck we got a convoy......
So this week is going 2 b an eventful 1! We have corp visiting, we have a crap load of "huddles" (which i guess is new term 4 inservice) and some 1 has finally gotten off their ass and decided to try to get new residents.. ie trachs and cardiac pts! oh and they hired a new admissions person who no 1 has met except the privledged (not us on the floor though) Now maybe i can get enough hrs 2 pay my bills! lets go back 2 corp being here though... has any1 seen sonya or lori so much out on the floor w/ there fake ass smiles? i know i havent and look how clean the floors r! does some1 follow after a certain res and keep cleaning the rails after he hauks a giant spit bubble on it? its sad that mang is proud enough of the place they work to keep it this way 24/7 until no 1 is looking but then again the hustle is on when corp is here! So from my understanding corp is here talking 2 us 1 on 1 about working here, y is that? Intimidation? or cause someone ran and cried about a bullshit union? well all i have 2 say is jokes on them!! mang is so worried about keep us under there thumbs and treating us like criminals when they should b worried about state, labor board and BBB! what would they do then? its gonna b a huge prob when the good back breaking nurses and techs leave and take the res right w them. i know personally of at least 5 res leaving when a certain staff member does.. oh and its not the so called employee of the month that no 1 voted 4! so what do we do now? either continue bowing our heads or stand strong and united? there will come a day when u WILL have 2 choose a side and hopefully it will b the workers together united vs mang/front office!! if ur not on my side then get the hell off the road cause im driving an 18 wheeler and WILL run ur ass over!! Im in this business to change lives and help the sick and needy not stick my nose up certain asses and still get bent over in the end!!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Who wants to be number one!
There might be alot of problems but I think that we can pull together and be number 1 again. The way I figure it the twio other places are fixing to dive because of these cuts. I feel that we have been running like it's been in place for 2 months now. So while there diving we can rise cuz we can't go any lower with morale staffing or residents. No choice but to unite and make us number 1 again .... Thoughts?
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Reminder....... From the one
You can leave a comment on a old post.. So go back from time to check for new comments... I think people who have the gonads to post and comment
Deserve to be heard I know u have thoughts and opinions let's hear them...
Txt or email posts to and comment right here at the site...
New poll coming soon ideas? And I want to thank all 7 who voted
Really 7 damn come on now
Next time I promise...... I swear
I need 2 know exactly how do u get the 7-3 spot u applied 4 but they keep giving it 2 ppl.....seriously this is the 5th NO.....ive wasted so much ink n probally killed a whole tree alone applying.... i serious think 1/2 the ppl havent even been here 30-60 days n ive been here thru at least 3 different administrators and ive been putting up with this load of crap 4 way 2 long and then i overhear the scheduling person telling sum1 im mad bc i didnt get the spot n that she had no choice but 2 give it 2 so n so bc its really hard 2 replace a 3-11 tech the funny part is the scheduler told me idk no y they moved her but not fed up this was the last straw.....signed i hope she likes replacing me now
Pic says it all future budget cuts
NOT A RAISE.....Possibly layoffs. Lets save on the budget 4 million dollars....Lets think of ways to save on the budget of GL. How bout do we need a DCE? (test giver/in service-huddler). She hasn't taught me anything I did not already know. I bet shes banking at least 50,000/year. BAM!!! How bout we stop hiring RN to do LPN jobs.....How bout we stop hiring new grads...I think they are killing the census. How bout we get rid of the head of housekeeping who doesn't do anything but sit in the front office all day, while the building is a mess and there is no laundry for resident care. Isn't that we are there for? To take care of the residents? Do we need two ADONs? No! The first one does everything anyways while the newbie sits in the office and text. Oh and lets not forget she gives write ups out to. That's got to be another 50 grand saved. Anyone else have any ideas?
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Activitys dept could actively help .. ?
I have a suggestion. I think that activity dept should help or handle personal phone calls for the residents. They claim one on one visits ect.. I'm sure everyone knows how buisy those 2 are. U know with all the activies that are happening every day . They could help the residents stay intouch with friends and family. Cna s don't answer the calls. So n so has a phone call line 2. Stop lock cart cover all work walk all the way to a phone realize personal call for resident place on hold walk to nurse station xrf phone pick up walk around to resident and go back to Cart and try to restart what u was doing... The chances of. Med error increases 100%. X that by 12 in one day for one nurse. Office could answer phone then page activities east wing resident line 4. They would be interacting with res and could possibly save a fatal error. It is a communication activity and helps socialise with them. Reason why they couldn't ?? Clipboard takes 2 hands to carry. The director busy listening in on nsg meeting to add her 2 cents on plan of cares? I think it would save nsg hrs and increase the safety of nsg dept. Does this not sound totally doable there are 2 of them what are ur thoughts? Or social services assist could help with it also. Let me hear it
If ur gonna get fucked might as well get paid
Ok, so there’s a title I didn’t think I’d ever read!
However, according to some credible news sources in Australia, it appears that stressed out nurses are quitting hospital work and turning to prostitution as a source of income.
I have to say that regardless of claims that prostitution is safer than ever, it stills stands that these two “careers” really don’t go together. With all that we have learned about looking after ourselves and focusing on holistic care, prostituting yourself is a bad idea. Not only physically, but also emotionally, spiritually. If you really want to limit your sense of self-worth, wreck your self-esteem and discover what it feels like to be a pure object used for someone else’s gratification, you’ll find it in prostitution. That’s not what nurses stand for, is it?
Additionally, I can’t imagine how gross it must be having to pretend you’re interested (sexually) in complete strangers!
While prostitution is not something I’ll ever be checking out personally, I have worked in nursing for long enough and seen enough naked people that I really should make mention of another dilemma that sex workers must have to face – the reality of how many people look naked! Let me assure you, it’s not always what glamourised fashion magazines make things out to be. For example, issues such as obesity and the lack of personal hygiene seen in many people would not do anything to help the self esteem of any prostitute.
Obviously there are lots of exceptions to this, but to reach a point where you invite strangers to strip down and hop in your bed!? I’m a little dumbfounded. Not to mention I’m sure there’s a fair share of losers, creeps and psycho’s that also frequent brothels….
What’s also amazing about this is that the story doesn’t proclaim that a single nurse has left the profession to sell themselves on the street, but that several have jumped on the bandwagon.
“The mother of two with 10 years’ experience as a registered nurse, who wanted to be known only as Jenna, has told how she and at least four of her colleagues have found new jobs working in brothels.”
Let me just add that there are specific reasons why these people have decided to leave the hospitals and seek alternative income sources, and this post does not really expand on these reasons: that nurses are exhausted, demoralised, under-staffed and stressed.
I agree! I work under these same conditions frequently. It’s tiring physically and mentally to work as a nurse in Queensland right now, not to mention that you work crazy hours with serious ramifications when you mess up, and the pay is not super-great.
Regardless of this…. prostitution? Really?! Check out this personal account by a former prostitute in Australia:
“I know about trafficking first hand. I was enticed into the prostitution trade as a young single mother with bills to pay, and once trapped I was unable to escape until 20 years later.
I wasn’t trapped by force. Some are, because pimps can be pretty vicious – but I had no pimp. I was trapped by the easy money which lulled me into thinking that the physical and mental pain I went through was worth it. It was never worth it. It destroys you. Even though I have now been out of the sex industry for nearly eight years, I am still in recovery and probably always will be.” - Linda Watson
However, according to some credible news sources in Australia, it appears that stressed out nurses are quitting hospital work and turning to prostitution as a source of income.
I have to say that regardless of claims that prostitution is safer than ever, it stills stands that these two “careers” really don’t go together. With all that we have learned about looking after ourselves and focusing on holistic care, prostituting yourself is a bad idea. Not only physically, but also emotionally, spiritually. If you really want to limit your sense of self-worth, wreck your self-esteem and discover what it feels like to be a pure object used for someone else’s gratification, you’ll find it in prostitution. That’s not what nurses stand for, is it?
Additionally, I can’t imagine how gross it must be having to pretend you’re interested (sexually) in complete strangers!
While prostitution is not something I’ll ever be checking out personally, I have worked in nursing for long enough and seen enough naked people that I really should make mention of another dilemma that sex workers must have to face – the reality of how many people look naked! Let me assure you, it’s not always what glamourised fashion magazines make things out to be. For example, issues such as obesity and the lack of personal hygiene seen in many people would not do anything to help the self esteem of any prostitute.
Obviously there are lots of exceptions to this, but to reach a point where you invite strangers to strip down and hop in your bed!? I’m a little dumbfounded. Not to mention I’m sure there’s a fair share of losers, creeps and psycho’s that also frequent brothels….
What’s also amazing about this is that the story doesn’t proclaim that a single nurse has left the profession to sell themselves on the street, but that several have jumped on the bandwagon.
“The mother of two with 10 years’ experience as a registered nurse, who wanted to be known only as Jenna, has told how she and at least four of her colleagues have found new jobs working in brothels.”
Let me just add that there are specific reasons why these people have decided to leave the hospitals and seek alternative income sources, and this post does not really expand on these reasons: that nurses are exhausted, demoralised, under-staffed and stressed.
I agree! I work under these same conditions frequently. It’s tiring physically and mentally to work as a nurse in Queensland right now, not to mention that you work crazy hours with serious ramifications when you mess up, and the pay is not super-great.
Regardless of this…. prostitution? Really?! Check out this personal account by a former prostitute in Australia:
“I know about trafficking first hand. I was enticed into the prostitution trade as a young single mother with bills to pay, and once trapped I was unable to escape until 20 years later.
I wasn’t trapped by force. Some are, because pimps can be pretty vicious – but I had no pimp. I was trapped by the easy money which lulled me into thinking that the physical and mental pain I went through was worth it. It was never worth it. It destroys you. Even though I have now been out of the sex industry for nearly eight years, I am still in recovery and probably always will be.” - Linda Watson
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Please pass the toilet paper ......
So here we go again.. Another miserable week here and another frowning corporate face! The worst is she is the HR! So i just have 1 question.. since census is low here and cant afford to have proper amount of staff at work.. apparently cant afford to wash towels wash clothes or sheets this past weekend.. cant afford paper towels soap or hand sanitizer.. who is paying u to be here? Oh and i guess u got that discount on ur hotel room too! that eventually will show up on our paystubs cause some how u guys will figure out how to make us pay for corporate frowny faces traveling expences! now we all know some people have that hotline number on speed dial and cant go to bed at night ( or sleep in an empty room while on the clock ) but if no changes are going to made why even show up? why dont u go some where sunny and warm and work on ur tan cause that is about all u are good for at this point! Now for everyone else... i enjoy working with everyone of u! we NEED to stick together and not continue throwing each other under the bus. this is what they want.. they are getting crapped on by corp and want to use us for toilet paper so they dont get a rash! screw that shit! stand strong and just hang in!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Hey I fallen and didnt break shit sorry..
Well it seems like the problems all stem from low census. So says mgmt? Really . Then why is mgmt examp. Nursing admin THE admin social services get out there and push people down and hand them a card.. Extreme times calls for extreme marketing, what about admissions oh. Quit so who is trained to do there job ? All of the above mentioned.. Fact. If the pt are out there why are they still sitting here ? Not gonna fall into this place !! Those damn centrum silver. O u all have the answers. Cut hrs kill staff financially and physically working short or not letting them work at all.. Get ur asses out of the building because we have stablished they are not here in the bed or in ur office. And hand some fucking fruit baskets out on the ortho and med surge floors. There is only like 10 hospitals to fish in I know there has to be keepers, or on the way out as a final kiss my ass did admissions tell all there buddy's in case management to refer elsewhere. It's amazing what not letting people do there job and riding there asses gets you
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At the bottom of the page there is a view web page click it and it will open up the main page where u can see links and poll questions the full site. Please do this from time to time it's always changing.
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Will post ur topic and delete ur email and u will remain anonymous. Please keep sending posts good and bad thoughts and feelings. Let's keep this growing at the time of this post over 700 views. That is awesome.
And I would like to say everyone who has commented or posted has been wise in choices of words and not naming anyone or anyplace. U rock for not being scared this not a set up how are ur feelings about this site ps if u are scared to send a post because email make a yahoo email with false contact info to use thanks
Can't sore with eagles while I'm lead by a turkey
A PISSED NURSE: At the facility we have educational experts dumb and dumber to get together to play cat and mouse games with the very skilled nurses employed there to match wits. these very skilled nurses have figured out their big secret game plan to attempt to provide prove the staff incompetent to do their job. So they can get rid of some more of the nurses that don't bend over and bow to them as they enter the building . In their arrogance and conceit with themselves they have failed to realize that they are supposed to be leaders and examples and want earn the respect that goes along with the positions these two asses are in. So how can this staff soar with the Eagles and be at its best when we have to be led by crippled minded turkeys. These are the results these geniuses in charge have achieved consider a revolutionary change at the facility by focusing on the future without them in the mix is an excellent start. Then we all can motivate each other and be a good influence to others and create a plan executing service excellence in this facility without the staff being targets for harassment and our jobs threatened by the miserable leaders violating us at work. Instead of working in a miserable, stressful center we can enjoy what we do with our patients promoting good health and great attitudes, good moral all around, valuable relationships and this be a joyful place to come and heal and work. People don't follow people that they don't have respect. And you don't earn respect via fear or retaliation or threatening. This is not a prison and does not need to have the morale at the prison these patients are not prisoners and we are not guards so please take that back to the prison. Professional nursing with a dash of the sense of humor and happy smiles will do wonders for morale and patient care . I would like to see what you think please comment below
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Add another post for me; Dumb wants nurses to take a math test, with Dumber supervising to make sure they don't cheat. Are they real? Everyone should get a case of brain fart and fail.. How disrespectful is that. That is calling us stupid, cheaters, and liars.
If u are looking at this site via mobile please when u get done scroll to the bottom of the page and click WEB VERSION at the very bottom of mobile site to see useful links and pics plus there is a poll question! Please vote.. The sites always changing please enjoy the full site From time to time thanks BEATDOWN
Friday, September 23, 2011
Im calling in dead
Yes at the bottom of ur paystub shows how many sick hrs u have EARNED.. I say again earned. It is a so called benefit that we get as a perk to work here.. Most places just have PTO. Which is both, ok then why is it a crime to get sick. And u have got to be out 2 days to get one paid unless ur over 10 yrs. U just might make some one have overtime to cover the shift.... Wait that's a crime to instead of being thankful that ur willing to help facility out and work a extra shift.. Ur looked down on too. What if the other night a cna who is a single parent needed to call out do to a very sick baby. Some one in mgmt told her if she didnt come in she would be fired. (She has never got a write up yet) So she left her sick child with a neighbor and came to work. Just to find out that due to census they cut staff and sent a another person home that didnt have anything to do. What do you think about that? Report to work . Ok we have enough now go home.. Dirty I tell u. Cut one before it's time to go to work and if ur short because of a call in then ask me to come in.
What this site is about!!!!
TO MAKE US BETTER.... Even if it is as simple as venting .
THERE ARE THINGS WE WILL NEVER CHANGE.. And there are some THINGS WE CAN CHANGE but it starts with u and I. We are already the best nursing home because we except a challenge. And make people better
THEY ARE FOR PROFIT WE THE STAFF ARE ALSO.. Hopefully we as staff can meet in the middle and both the company and us turn a profit and make it better working conditions. Trust unity. Then pt care from all sides of the bed rail can do what we originally came to do. Make as difference,
I know this sounds like a MLK speech but....
I HAVE A DREAM, of one day walking side by side no matter what job u have ADMIN, THERAPY, SS, CNA, TO NURSE ALL THE WAY TO MAINT. I have as dream to get along help one another work happily take care of eath other to take ones hand when they are in need not throw them to the wolfs when performance is not optimal. Get back to what works. when change only helps one side then it failed examp: schedule and shift hrs. Days off.. Saves company millions but at what cost to kill emotionally and financially the workers who make it possible. Did brandywood or union change there whole way or did they stick to what works??? When did I see employee morale go to the toilet? when whole life's were upset and bills could not be paid and families could not be seen ( 4 on 2 off is a joke ) kids grades slipping husband boyfriend we never see! No money to spare ( that's one of the reasons why we chose this field. ) for stability serrcurity and when we work. Well just leave.. Some of u have been here for decades. Some for a few months. But work is like a marriage u don't drop everything and leave when times get tough. But to work things out both sides have to work at it both have to want to make each other happy. But when one side of the partnership won't bend or fail to see that they are hurting the one they depend on. Well they will eventually drive those who have been there through it all away. But this is a small town and the new ones might seem good to look at. But don't know how to take care of business like the old faithfuls...
I am a believer some call me a fool but I want to make this work. Cuz I love what I do and where I do it. I just hope they are not looking for a newer younger person to treat anyway they want. Cuz that is not where the best care for the res. comes from......
Monday, September 19, 2011
When people are away the cats come out to play!!
Have u ever noticed when a person is not there to defend them selfs, people tear there asses up!!
It's a common occurrence in a place like this. According to psychology today this is due to poor staffing conditions, unhappy people in general, home and in the work place,
Human nature to tear some down rather than notice the good . Rumors and assumptions add fuel to the fire. And insecure unhappy or plain bitches are the wind that makes the fire hot and spread.
everyone is a victim of this u think people don't talk shit about u and sprinkle some half truths and a dash of you know what? Or look at this,and u got ur self a ugly un true juicey comment about someone to make the person(s) talking feel better about there own short comings. Sad but true! I have done it and have had it done. Outcomes are: u put people's jobs at risk.
Friendships strained or broken.
Don't help ur self esteem just makes one less person there for u when u need someone. Cuz it will get back around worse than how u first said it! Does it feel good to spread a rumor where they get introuble and it not as bad as u made it because it was something u heard that someone else heard that they heard. And it wasn't the case at all. Then the person u tell it to assumes u saw it first hand and acts on it!! Very sad destructive behavior.. But they make medicine for it !! And we all need it from time to time, a big glass of shut the fuck up and do ur job and if u are doing ur job correctly u don't have time to know what someone did or said what she heard. And if u feel the need to still open that mouth, converse with our residents. Not gossip. I'm sure they don't want to hear someone don't give showers!!! Or when u hear people bad talking. Encourage them to take there medicine and get back to work. Or say something nice... Nawww that ain't no fun .
Some quotes to remember
The biggest liar in the world is They Say. ~Douglas Malloch
Do not repeat anything you will not sign your name to. ~Author Unknown
What you don't see with your eyes, don't witness with your mouth. ~Jewish Proverb
The Womans idea of hell is a place where everybody has to mind her own business. ~Wendy Phillips,
Ouch that one hurts a little bit!!
Whoever gossips to you will gossip about you. ~Spanish
It's a common occurrence in a place like this. According to psychology today this is due to poor staffing conditions, unhappy people in general, home and in the work place,
Human nature to tear some down rather than notice the good . Rumors and assumptions add fuel to the fire. And insecure unhappy or plain bitches are the wind that makes the fire hot and spread.
everyone is a victim of this u think people don't talk shit about u and sprinkle some half truths and a dash of you know what? Or look at this,and u got ur self a ugly un true juicey comment about someone to make the person(s) talking feel better about there own short comings. Sad but true! I have done it and have had it done. Outcomes are: u put people's jobs at risk.
Friendships strained or broken.
Don't help ur self esteem just makes one less person there for u when u need someone. Cuz it will get back around worse than how u first said it! Does it feel good to spread a rumor where they get introuble and it not as bad as u made it because it was something u heard that someone else heard that they heard. And it wasn't the case at all. Then the person u tell it to assumes u saw it first hand and acts on it!! Very sad destructive behavior.. But they make medicine for it !! And we all need it from time to time, a big glass of shut the fuck up and do ur job and if u are doing ur job correctly u don't have time to know what someone did or said what she heard. And if u feel the need to still open that mouth, converse with our residents. Not gossip. I'm sure they don't want to hear someone don't give showers!!! Or when u hear people bad talking. Encourage them to take there medicine and get back to work. Or say something nice... Nawww that ain't no fun .
Some quotes to remember
The biggest liar in the world is They Say. ~Douglas Malloch
Do not repeat anything you will not sign your name to. ~Author Unknown
What you don't see with your eyes, don't witness with your mouth. ~Jewish Proverb
The Womans idea of hell is a place where everybody has to mind her own business. ~Wendy Phillips,
Ouch that one hurts a little bit!!
Whoever gossips to you will gossip about you. ~Spanish
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Employee of the month wait ... Program cut out due to census
I've personally haven't been chosen in my time here but I was nominated once ( I nominated my self shhhhhh) anyhow it gives one sence of pride because we the staff not mgmt chooses ... Shows we care and are proud of one another. What does it cost the facility 1: wall space $free 2: ink from printer $0.18 cents 3: dollar store picture frame $1.09 4: parking space $free 5: pin and brass plaque engraved $6:45( I saw the bill ) and finally 6: free lunch $2.00 but they make u take a 45 min lunch which the extra 15 min actually cost more than that so -1,50 grand total of $8.22 yes I used a calculator. Given up why is it this low census or all of us are that bad? Is a joke to mgmt when they walk by it? All I'm trying to say is it's just one more thing to kill moral. Keep us down so I'll have a poll set up very soon on right side of site and we will nominate 3 people and we will vote for employee of the month on here .... Well I almost forgot this is a anonomys site
Oh well I nominate all of u that spread the word of this site and participate in it .
Oh well I nominate all of u that spread the word of this site and participate in it .
Smell burning today??? No because there is no fire (ing) today.
Usually u can't breath in our place that we spen a third of our life at "work". But today....
Possibly tomorrow ain't no pressure. Do ur job taked care of our people, nurses medicate and make them feel better. Good food cooked housekeepers cleaned and everyone smiled and laughed and got along!!! Therapy did therapy and left. Supervisor did her thing!! Harmony. I didn't see excessive breaks or any people not doing what they know has to be done. Wild concept. What could be diff about today from yesterday..?
Everyone did it there own way and it got done !
Here is a thought back off let us work and we will shine ! And the pt will benefit the most!!
What are ur thoughts?
Possibly tomorrow ain't no pressure. Do ur job taked care of our people, nurses medicate and make them feel better. Good food cooked housekeepers cleaned and everyone smiled and laughed and got along!!! Therapy did therapy and left. Supervisor did her thing!! Harmony. I didn't see excessive breaks or any people not doing what they know has to be done. Wild concept. What could be diff about today from yesterday..?
Everyone did it there own way and it got done !
Here is a thought back off let us work and we will shine ! And the pt will benefit the most!!
What are ur thoughts?
Friday, September 16, 2011
The financial melt down of employees
Well today we really felt the chest crushing mind numbing effects of our multimillion for profit company pinching the heads and wallets of there pet ants at oo54.
Wait everyone except salary folks who are saying ok cut them back!!
I'd like to know how much 0054 cost u I mean saved them and what u couldn't pay
Because of this awesome idea
Honey why is the lights not working and next door is???
This post brought to u by cash advance
45 min lunches really.... Can we call it robbing the poor to pay the rich..
Go home hr early... Go home we can't use u today! We are here to work to help these residents
We are here to work to take care of our family!!! We owe it to the pt and we OWE EVERY BODY ELSE... If I am worried that I can't pay my bills am I really focused on res care or baths
Well maybe on my 45 min lunch I can got get a loan to cover what they take from me here! Cuz even if we are at lunch we still are at work I mean cant drink a beer right... Let's eat here get charged to eat... And sit for 40 more min thinking how much longer can I hold on like this...
45 min lunches really.... Can we call it robbing the poor to pay the rich..
Go home hr early... Go home we can't use u today! We are here to work to help these residents
We are here to work to take care of our family!!! We owe it to the pt and we OWE EVERY BODY ELSE... If I am worried that I can't pay my bills am I really focused on res care or baths
Well maybe on my 45 min lunch I can got get a loan to cover what they take from me here! Cuz even if we are at lunch we still are at work I mean cant drink a beer right... Let's eat here get charged to eat... And sit for 40 more min thinking how much longer can I hold on like this...
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Place your bets
The VIP of something is coming next thursday. Who want to bet we are fully staffed mgmt is in the floors helping. And were over staffed... Gosh I'd hate for a flu bug to strike that day. That would be tragic!!!
Check ur smiles at the door
Why is it that when u hear the page tone your heart skips a beat. So and so please come to the office. Damn... better not smile or laugh or joke, someone makes a comment I want what ur on Or are u ok ur not ur self. which gets txt threw 5 people ending up with u getting 3 days off drug tested and possibly fired... We've witnessed it. None of my nurses smiles or laughs I guess cuz they dont need the drama. There have been more write ups this yr. Funny we haven't changed thed way we do things and we did have a problem... Even got a deficiency free survey. All I'm saying we use to enjoy our job feel safe with our job and there for we did our job well... And was able to pay the bills!!!
Feeling the end is near
How many of u have a new resume wrote and how many of u have a 2 week notice already wrote
And why?
And why?
The infamous sign out sheet!! Who is pushing the issue? Deputy dog
Why is she so worried where someone is. Is it because she's use to prisoners in a cage
Does she think we are!! We never know where she is educating? Door closed hiding in office!
No no she is on patrol like a guard at a prison well we are free and this not a prison!! And if u sign out she can go huntin for a smoker ohhhhh. Well Sherriff patrol your office or your home or hey u like a hostile environment go back to the prison!!!
I'm sorry u took a position where u don't have POWER but I guess thats hard to find out in a interveiw!! oh and by the way does this job give me the right to snitch harass and critique LTC staff? Learn ur spot !! In that office with door shut and stop bothering working folks!! Comments?
Why is she so worried where someone is. Is it because she's use to prisoners in a cage
Does she think we are!! We never know where she is educating? Door closed hiding in office!
No no she is on patrol like a guard at a prison well we are free and this not a prison!! And if u sign out she can go huntin for a smoker ohhhhh. Well Sherriff patrol your office or your home or hey u like a hostile environment go back to the prison!!!
I'm sorry u took a position where u don't have POWER but I guess thats hard to find out in a interveiw!! oh and by the way does this job give me the right to snitch harass and critique LTC staff? Learn ur spot !! In that office with door shut and stop bothering working folks!! Comments?
Tools of the trade
Wash cloths towels linens how can we do our job without these simple things.
Why is it we don't have any? Is it because we use them for care every 2 hrs through the night. And laundry don't wash all night long?? Or is it staff is strealing them if that was true all of us should be stocked up by now... What about we must be throwing them away. I don't think were gonna throw our tools away. Maybe it is the washer eating them. I know I have a hell of a time with socks at home !! Plumbing sux here I bet it's full of wash cloths from the huge washer. What are ur thoughts ?
Why is it we don't have any? Is it because we use them for care every 2 hrs through the night. And laundry don't wash all night long?? Or is it staff is strealing them if that was true all of us should be stocked up by now... What about we must be throwing them away. I don't think were gonna throw our tools away. Maybe it is the washer eating them. I know I have a hell of a time with socks at home !! Plumbing sux here I bet it's full of wash cloths from the huge washer. What are ur thoughts ?
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Smoke anyone????
Do u think its sad that smokers can't smoke
I don't even smoke but I feel for those who do. Do u think pt care has gone up from this change? 2 15 min breaks but can't go off the property ? Is it GlChina ? I wonder how it feels knowing u cost someone there job over a cig!!! Not killing or neglect but a smoke on a 15 min by law break!! How nice image? They hide out back out of site from residents and families!! I would like to hear ur thoughts on how this better for or residents or for care in general wait don't forget moral!! Post ur comments please and spread the word of this site
I don't even smoke but I feel for those who do. Do u think pt care has gone up from this change? 2 15 min breaks but can't go off the property ? Is it GlChina ? I wonder how it feels knowing u cost someone there job over a cig!!! Not killing or neglect but a smoke on a 15 min by law break!! How nice image? They hide out back out of site from residents and families!! I would like to hear ur thoughts on how this better for or residents or for care in general wait don't forget moral!! Post ur comments please and spread the word of this site
Should I put a password on this site ? So those who only know the password can read and comment let me know!
I think this is gonna be a great blog with great comments
There is alot turmoil but remember it is us against them...
If u don't feel it u don't work at 0054
If u don't feel it u don't work at 0054
First post here we go!!!
Tired so very tired hurt scared broke this is wrong to go to work and cry on the way!!!
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