Monday, September 19, 2011

When people are away the cats come out to play!!

Have u ever noticed when a person is not there to defend them selfs, people tear there asses up!!
It's a common occurrence in a place like this. According to psychology today this is due to poor staffing conditions, unhappy people in general, home and in the work place,
Human nature to tear some down rather than notice the good . Rumors and assumptions add fuel to the fire. And insecure unhappy or plain bitches are the wind that makes the fire hot and spread.
everyone is a victim of this u think people don't talk shit about u and sprinkle some half truths and a dash of you know what? Or look at this,and u got ur self a ugly un true juicey comment about someone to make the person(s) talking feel better about there own short comings. Sad but true! I have done it and have had it done. Outcomes are: u put people's jobs at risk.
Friendships strained or broken.
Don't help ur self esteem just makes one less person there for u when u need someone. Cuz it will get back around worse than how u first said it! Does it feel good to spread a rumor where they get introuble and it not as bad as u made it because it was something u heard that someone else heard that they heard. And it wasn't the case at all. Then the person u tell it to assumes u saw it first hand and acts on it!! Very sad destructive behavior.. But they make medicine for it !! And we all need it from time to time, a big glass of shut the fuck up and do ur job and if u are doing ur job correctly u don't have time to know what someone did or said what she heard. And if u feel the need to still open that mouth, converse with our residents. Not gossip. I'm sure they don't want to hear someone don't give showers!!! Or when u hear people bad talking. Encourage them to take there medicine and get back to work. Or say something nice... Nawww that ain't no fun .

Some quotes to remember

The biggest liar in the world is They Say. ~Douglas Malloch

Do not repeat anything you will not sign your name to. ~Author Unknown

What you don't see with your eyes, don't witness with your mouth. ~Jewish Proverb

The Womans idea of hell is a place where everybody has to mind her own business. ~Wendy Phillips,
Ouch that one hurts a little bit!!

Whoever gossips to you will gossip about you. ~Spanish


  1. Felt offended but I guess the truth hurts. And it promotes separatist behavior,
    And if we actually looked out for one another no one would be on the block
    Or work in fear. Of someone making a big thing out of something very minor.
    I am guilty, and I'm truthfully sorry... Gonna try to help and be a part of the solution
    And not the problem. I think u all are awsomwe and I wouldn't want to work with anyone. Else.

  2. Thats the problem no one watches out for each other
    They pretend to b ur friend and then the 1st chance they get they gonna stab u in the back 2 save them self
    My therory these days is dont speak to no one n keep to myself bc u can NOT trust no one in here but yourself

  3. I think "Shut The Front Door" might have been a little less angry and not so vulgar. You have some very valid points but you sound so angry. I hope and pray things get better for you. A good practice all employees could make would be to respond to a negative with a positive the moment it occurs. I have heard all the negatives surrounding GLC. It appears the sad truth is a lack of good administration. In this facility the "biggest negatives" are conveyed as such;the current admin does not have the skills, the will, or the intention of making GLC a happy place to work. It is all about the budget. The rightousness of constant negative diciplines makes employees feel defeated. They see admin as mindless and ignorant of a taking a higher approach that could help an employee excel. Morale is the greatest at GLC when it floats daily in an abyss of negativity. So, on the the positive side employees can stop channeling negativity on those who don't have a clue. Step up and and support your team members by being positive and helping them to become more positive. You are in control. When employees realize they are the ones with all the power work becomes a more enjoyable place to be. When you feel admin lacks good dicipline skills take what is laid upon you and do your own constructive analysis and admit that perhaps you could make some changes that would be best for you, the patients, and the facility. When you choose to do your best everyone benefits. When someone is hateful and unkind to you in their approach pray for them. It is then that you are "winning." Don't spend any time on things that are not pleasing to your mind, body, and spirit. Feel a smile every time you say something positive. Stress kills so live with joy.

  4. First the original post does actually promote that gossip is bad and has dire consequences.
    Second is also promotes to stop gossip when u hear it and encourage positive talk. 
    Staff gossip about other staff administration don't start the gossip they just hear the end trail that's wrong or juiced up and has to react and because there might be half truths in it they have to assume the worst.... When u hit that clock u step out of USA and step into GIc where u are guilty until u can prove ur innocent .. I think someone needs a example: 
    Cna misses one shower. Cna releiving her has to pick it up cuz it needs to be done. She makes the comment to coworker she never gets her showers done I have to do it now. Supervisor hears that from coworker and reports to adns so and so don't do her showers. Adns has to investigate finds half truth in it cuz it wasn't done then has to assume the supervisor is correct in her reporting and writes cna up for not doing her showers when she had acually done 15 in one week plus 2 that wasn't on the list, but that one wasn't done and the nurse she told it to said that was ok because she did 2 others that wasn't on the list... Now the nurse has 4 days off to correct the untrue comment. Adns writes her up for not doing showers and it happened to be her 3rd write up 1 from a missed lunch 1  cuz her kids were sick and she's a single mom and called x2 and finally this one which they terminate for poor work performance or neglect! When in actuallality she had given more than she should have but they don't see it like that. They don't see that she talks a man who has refused a bath for a week and a half to take one! They don't see or care that the two people she gave baths to that day beat her ass! No they only see what she didn't do! These people dont see that she is going home tired sore and beat down after every shift cause she works her ass off. They see what she couldn't get done. So this is what she gets.... Fired 2 kids single no help cut hrs and no gov help cuz she made to much money. So now you got an outta work single mother who has to go on welfare looses her car has to move and her kids go with out .. And it all started with a half cocked complaint to someone else. 
    It's not admin. It's us ... Before u talk about someone .. Take a glass of shut the fuck up and do ur job .. Or do u wanna support her and 2 kids.

  5. I think certain if people took all that energy that she wastes on bitchin about who didnt do what she could possibly help others out instead of driving a knife in their back
    This is how she is tho and will continue 2 b because she gets SNITCH pay n she does SO much ASS KISSING its unbelievable
    Its quite ok tho bc sooner or later she will cross the wrong person and it could be her ass on the chopping block

  6. Dumber has snitched a lot of lies on the staff and took situations like the one on East wing with 503A and made it look like something different than it was to the D.O.N. she is a terrorist and lies to her bosses and uses them


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