Saturday, September 24, 2011


If u are looking at this site via mobile please when u get done scroll to the bottom of the page and click WEB VERSION at the very bottom of mobile site to see useful links and pics plus there is a poll question! Please vote.. The sites always changing please enjoy the full site From time to time thanks BEATDOWN


  1. The link to the union for nurses is very very interesting

  2. As of today we dont have anything to offer at the GLC for employees but lies. Dumb just recently told a new employee that we dont take screamers at the GLC cuz we dont want that kind of patient in the bldg. What about it how many screamers do we have, I wish I knew some VOODOO I would stick pins in payroll, the educational (thats a joke) lets just call dumb what it is, and dumber with pins every time I thought about it. Id like to spit some beechnut in their eyes. Dumb hands all of her inservice sheets Mon - Fri to dumber to run around stopping staff from working answering call lights, nurses doing med passes, patients are told by dumber they have to wait at the nurses station (NS) cuz she has to get all of the sheets signed so she dont get in trouble with her real D.O.N. dumb and the office Head. Dumber is rude with the staff and the residents talking down to these mentioned cuz we are all beneath them. She recently threatened patients with revoking their smoking time if they didn't RAT OUT their own family members outside smoking with them and staff who is not outside smoking. Patients said No way their family members wont come visit them hardly now. But this is abuse isnt' it to threaten and intimidate!!


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