Thursday, September 15, 2011


The infamous sign out sheet!! Who is pushing the issue? Deputy dog
Why is she so worried where someone is. Is it because she's use to prisoners in a cage
Does she think we are!! We never know where she is educating? Door closed hiding in office!
No no she is on patrol like a guard at a prison well we are free and this not a prison!! And if u sign out she can go huntin for a smoker ohhhhh. Well Sherriff patrol your office or your home or hey u like a hostile environment go back to the prison!!!
I'm sorry u took a position where u don't have POWER but I guess thats hard to find out in a interveiw!! oh and by the way does this job give me the right to snitch harass and critique LTC staff? Learn ur spot !! In that office with door shut and stop bothering working folks!! Comments?


  1. Jenna: do you mean the smoking cell phone natzi??? I wish she would go back to wherever she came from. I'm sick of her harassing me and creating a hostile environment. She can shove that sign out sheet up her ass.

  2. Maybe that's where her inservice books went

  3. Well u know that the prison guard works for the no gum chewing allowed warden
    They say this is an open door facility but has the most closed doors ive ever seen


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