Friday, September 23, 2011

What this site is about!!!!

THIS IS NOT A SITE TO BAD MOUTH OUR EMPLOYER THIS IS NOT A SITE TO SINGLE OUT PEOPLE. THIS IS A SITE FOR OPINIONS AND SITUATIONS THAT NEED IMPROVING TO MAKE WORK BETTER TO MAKE US BETTER.... Even if it is as simple as venting . THERE ARE THINGS WE WILL NEVER CHANGE.. And there are some THINGS WE CAN CHANGE but it starts with u and I. We are already the best nursing home because we except a challenge. And make people better WE CAN'T CHANGE CHANGE IT'S GONNA HAPPEN. THEY ARE FOR PROFIT WE THE STAFF ARE ALSO.. Hopefully we as staff can meet in the middle and both the company and us turn a profit and make it better working conditions. Trust unity. Then pt care from all sides of the bed rail can do what we originally came to do. Make as difference, I know this sounds like a MLK speech but.... I HAVE A DREAM, of one day walking side by side no matter what job u have ADMIN, THERAPY, SS, CNA, TO NURSE ALL THE WAY TO MAINT. I have as dream to get along help one another work happily take care of eath other to take ones hand when they are in need not throw them to the wolfs when performance is not optimal. Get back to what works. when change only helps one side then it failed examp: schedule and shift hrs. Days off.. Saves company millions but at what cost to kill emotionally and financially the workers who make it possible. Did brandywood or union change there whole way or did they stick to what works??? When did I see employee morale go to the toilet? when whole life's were upset and bills could not be paid and families could not be seen ( 4 on 2 off is a joke ) kids grades slipping husband boyfriend we never see! No money to spare ( that's one of the reasons why we chose this field. ) for stability serrcurity and when we work. Well just leave.. Some of u have been here for decades. Some for a few months. But work is like a marriage u don't drop everything and leave when times get tough. But to work things out both sides have to work at it both have to want to make each other happy. But when one side of the partnership won't bend or fail to see that they are hurting the one they depend on. Well they will eventually drive those who have been there through it all away. But this is a small town and the new ones might seem good to look at. But don't know how to take care of business like the old faithfuls... I am a believer some call me a fool but I want to make this work. Cuz I love what I do and where I do it. I just hope they are not looking for a newer younger person to treat anyway they want. Cuz that is not where the best care for the res. comes from...... Thoughts.........


  1. U mite believe in this place But this place dont believe in us
    Ppl always 2nd guess each other
    There is no trust or love 4 each other no more
    We all should act like 1 big disfunctional FAMILY like we used 2 b until they divided into us n them

  2. Why can there not be more positive things to say like this? Everyone knows that the office is aware of this site now, and everyone continues to argue with each other. They watch this and think, "Well, they are divided." No one wants to comment on the positive side of making things better. Everyone wants to vent. Venting can only help you feel better for the moment. Looking into the future with a positive attitude, hard work and us supporting each other will bring about better working conditions. We are the floor. This place is held up on all of our backs (nurses, CNAs, housekeeping and all of the above). By the way. We were all new grads at one point. I had two very good nurses train me and I wouldn't trade that training for the world. Just because I may be newer to the facility does not mean that I don't care as much as an "old facility nurse." This is not a place a plan to leave anytime soon. I see potiental here as well and I see a chance to be a part of something to being about the best care for our residents. I would love to see motivation and several activities daily. We need to take volunteers for the activites department. Tons of social sciences students are looking for places to donate time to complete their charity work for college. I would love to see programs like that in the building. Bring first semester nurses to complete clinical on the floor (they don't pass meds they do ADL care and assessments. They also shadow a nurse who is willing to be shadowed). They would appreciate that and are grateful. I mean I am sure someone will follow this comment and shoot it to the ground, but this idea is just as logical as any other. I don't hear a lot of ideas. I just see a lot of venting. Lets hear some ideas. What do you think could make this a better place to work? What do you think would make you proud to work here? Strawberry


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