Thursday, September 15, 2011

Check ur smiles at the door

Why is it that when u hear the page tone your heart skips a beat. So and so please come to the office. Damn... better not smile or laugh or joke, someone makes a comment I want what ur on Or are u ok ur not ur self. which gets txt threw 5 people ending up with u getting 3 days off drug tested and possibly fired... We've witnessed it. None of my nurses smiles or laughs I guess cuz they dont need the drama. There have been more write ups this yr. Funny we haven't changed thed way we do things and we did have a problem... Even got a deficiency free survey. All I'm saying we use to enjoy our job feel safe with our job and there for we did our job well... And was able to pay the bills!!!


  1. I need them 2 stop confusing me....
    When im smiling they think im up 2 no good.....
    When im not smiling they think im mad....
    And when the state or some other VIPs come in the door they want u 2 smile weither its fake or painted on....

  2. Smiling is NOT part of the uniform


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