Saturday, October 1, 2011

Next time I promise...... I swear

I need 2 know exactly how do u get the 7-3 spot u applied 4 but they keep giving it 2 ppl.....seriously this is the 5th NO.....ive wasted so much ink n probally killed a whole tree alone applying.... i serious think 1/2 the ppl havent even been here 30-60 days n ive been here thru at least 3 different administrators and ive been putting up with this load of crap 4 way 2 long and then i overhear the scheduling person telling sum1 im mad bc i didnt get the spot n that she had no choice but 2 give it 2 so n so bc its really hard 2 replace a 3-11 tech the funny part is the scheduler told me idk no y they moved her but not fed up this was the last straw.....signed i hope she likes replacing me now


  1. Its funny they only seem 2 give 7-3 spots 2 the brand new techs who seriously have been certified mayb a week
    I feel ur pain i just stop applying bc they r sneaky n play favorites ALOT
    Ur rite save a tree stop applying lol

  2. Damn I should have named it save a tree stop applying.. That's good

  3. Help me turn my " nose brown "October 2, 2011 at 11:31 AM

    I need 2 know who decides who gets any posted jobs????
    Ive been told...Staffing cooridinator....the DON....the administrator
    So which is it ? Is it like how the employee of the month was decided....we vote n the front office picks the winner......or r they leaving it up 2 the residents....i want the 7-3 shift n i need 2 figure out whos ass ive gotta start if any1 knows please help me lol

  4. For your information the staffing coordinator has no authority to transfer people, hire, fire, or decide who gets employee of the month. It is done by the DON and the ED. Those decisions are for admin to consider. So, if you want to change see them. The DCE and the DON hire people.

  5. U no u tell people 1 thing n then say well DON said n then when the DON is confronted she out right says well tge staffing coordinator is a liar so i just dont trust no1 no more


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