OHHHH OHHHH OHHHHHHHHH shit this is the place to be a retarded comedian but we all know where this one is so have your fun..... love the recipes and what we are gonna wear ect. you all are so funny.
i bet everyone that took this kinda serious realizes who you are...

Threatening is against the law. and the LABOR BOARD has its own LAWS too
i think you might should have consulted with the legal team in Arkansas.... wait
you didn't. and as you walk down the hall better have your head high, because you
just showed how truly stupid you are.

This blog has become very hostile and cruel since management has started posting on it. Is it really that hard to just treat the staff like humans? Someone in administration has a very dirty mouth and mind. To call your employees inbred rednecks. Wtf says that? Someone who is scared or worried about something thats who.
ReplyDeleteThe admin is the whitest trailor park trash there is she only took the admin course bc welfare woodnt pay no more with out her working or going 2 school so she caught the free ride from the state And went we 2 school n now she thinks n believes she is better then every1 else when in fact u cant change a leopards spots u can only get this 1s tanner
ReplyDeleteLike it wasnt bad enough how they have robbed from their employees and taken everything they could away from all of us through gunning lies and heartless treatment they have shown us. Finally, we have rose up and said thats enough, but only because now we are fighting for our life because we have sit back tooo long and taken it and taken it until now we are beat the hell up and waking up from the coma they put us in. When the beating started we took the punches pretty good, but had no idea they had a plan to kill us in the end. Employees test yourself see what management has done to you. As for those snitches, write down your benefits too!! You know what happens to snitches when you are all used up or new people come in that dont need you. The curb awaits for ya. Management showed the staff they have no heart and no soul, BUT NOW THEY HAVE GOTTEN ON THE INTERNET AND REVEALED TO PEOPLE IN RUSSIA READING THIS BLOG what kind of people they are, nasty mouth, sick mind, talking about peoples moma like the comment made about behind Walmart, SHAME ON YOU MANAGEMENT, YOU SHOULD GO TO JAIL FOR THAT, U ARE NO BETTER THAN THE RAPIST DOING TIME. This is the kind of people that are running the front office all in the click together plus two snitches we know of.
ReplyDeleteI believe the South is gonna do it again!! God this is exciting, moving forward - Hate it for the ones that get in the way, we are going to march right over ya. We have come together, we are not divided in no way. We are a people who makes a living at who we are and what we are. Which in turns makes us a special group of people. DETERMINED TO GET THE JOB DONE FOR ONE. We are LEADERS doing the right thing. Leaders of our families. Supporters in every meaning of the word!! We believe in what we are doing and that what started this fight. As far as we are concerned cuz its not about power, position, money - Its about the patient, their family, friends. We offer love, support, we nuture them as a family member would because we are attempting to fill the family members place. We give all of ourselves to our patients, our job, our own families second. Yes our families are at home waiting on us to get off work and then be with them. By the time we get off work we are wore out, we have loved and nutured and comforted all day, our families know we love them, we belong to them. But our patient's get the best of us!!! We refuse to let people like the corporate office has brought in the building to treat us any less any longer than we deserve. So THE SOUTH IS GOING TO DO IT AGAIN. YOU HAVE FORCED US TO FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT. WE WILL WIN, So we have the drive in us to carry this fight to ya. Management acting like you have toward the staff you deserve to one day maybe MAKE THE NEWS. I know of one time I drove pass a NH in Spgfld and they were in the front yard the whole news cast!??
ReplyDeleteWell my sister told me about what is going on at her job and showed me this site. This is the coolest smartest thing, I dont know who thought this up but you are a genius. Hope I spelled that right. Anyway I am a truck driver all my life. My handle on the Highways and Byways is GhostRider. I meet a lot of guys and girls in truck stops and break rooms while dropping loads and I have to say the head people running this company building is scarey. What kind of people are these that are entrusted to caring for the sick and the last days of our elderly. They should not have a license of any kind, they are crimminals as far as I am concerned in several ways. You staff need to write your state goverment officials on them and tell what has gone one and the bad mouth on this administrator and attitudes and the support to the administrator by the rest of the front office to include all of the ladies in the front mgmt offices OMG Ill make sure my family member never is placed there until there is a change and my sister reports its good. For now staff at GLC you are in our prayers as we drive. God Bless The Web Master you have a job to do keeping managegment's filthiness off this site for the employees.
ReplyDeleteI would like to say thank you for acknowledging our fight for respect and resident care. All these comments were the reason for the blog. To support each other and stick together for whats right. Thank you!!!
ReplyDeleteHey you guys read up on the Eagles being led by cripple turkeys. Oh and strawberry stop crying
ReplyDeleteShame on you for censorship. You are doing the opposite of what you claim this board is for. I have tried twice to comment and you delete it? Why, because you do not agree? Sounds exactly like what you're accusing the management of doing.
ReplyDeleteI was unbiased about this whole matter until now.I was actually sympathetic to your cause. I happen to be married to a Labor Board Agent. I will be letting him know how you are acting and how you're threatening people who do not agree. I think this matter is already dead. I think the whiners have lost and do not know how to be graceful losers.
You have made no friends here. How unfortunate because I could have been helpful.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI am no one of concern to this blog. I happen to be a CNA for a different company. I heard about this blog and wanted to come see what was going on. I have spent several minutes now reading through the posts here and I got to say you all embarrass our profession. You're suppose to be caregivers but you're acting like children. No wonder the management is making changes, their employees are acting like children.
ReplyDeleteWhen I first came to this site I had hoped to find maturity and respect. What I found were children acting like brats. It is my understanding of your situation that you've not had any leaders and a select few got away with murder. Now that those few no longer have the freedom to act and do as they wish (At the residents expense) they are acting like children. You embarrass yourself and the rest of us who work so hard at being good at what we do.
First thing I saw when I came here last night was this; "1.Comments made on this blog are not ness. The opinions of this blog owner 2. Be truthful of how u really feel!! If u don't agree that's ok too this is our place to start to try to make things better again. 3. This anonymous site ( not to name or to single out! )" Then the first blog I read is where you children are attacking who I assume is either admin or someone who disagrees with your choice to whine and cry (Ginger). Shame on each and everyone of you.
ReplyDeleteSo now that all of that is said, allow me to tell you what a 30+ year Nurse can tell you. The union won't happen, nor will corporate allow it to remain. So even if it passes, you're all going to lose. If finances are hurting for GLC corporate then guess which facility they will close first? YOURS!
You all are good people with a good heart. You're doing this job because you care about others. Why then would you insist on forcing yourself and the others you work with out of work in such a crappy economy? Your families will suffer your selfishness. Are you thinking this through people? I've seen union attempts at 2 other facilities I have worked at, one won and the other lost the vote. The people who spear headed this union all lost. The winners lost because corporate sold the facility and the new company closed it down and used the excuse it was a absorbtion and did not need the facility any longer. So everyone lost. The other that lost found that the people who spear headed the union no longer had jobs they enjoyed and eventually were either fired due to lack of performance or quit because of pride.
You girls need to think long and hard about your decision because I know, if a vote happens, you all lose.
Cant we all just get along we have lost a valuable asset in a nurse today n the office people are acting like there excited n happy about it n there is no reason 2 b so smug about it but its ok he is a survivor n will probably have a job before the day is over
ReplyDeleteU c what happens when they thing ur behind bringn in the union
ReplyDeleteThis place sucks
ReplyDeleteThey make a lame excuse n fire u when ur come in n do ur job damn well n manage 2 lighten up these residents lives n they want 2 fire him bc rumors n sneaky bitchs pointed fingers at him say he mentioned the ill fated word UNION...... Now what they dont realize it he is the most depended on nurse there was
The DCE n all the other backstabbers i hope it was worth it bc karma is goin 2 get u so i hope when u feel safest with ur job u get blindsided n join the club
this is to timberwolf, the cna who is not employed at gic and the 30 plus yr nurse.. timberwolf, if your comments were deleted it is because they were vulgar, we value everyones opinion as long as they are not vulgar. you say your husbands a labor board agent, i find that hard to believe, what union can he be with, that doesn't care about employee rights! and nobody i mean nobody as ever threatened anyone here!to the cna of a diff facility, you say we are a disgrace to your prof. you are a disgrace to humanity. you are most likely a welfare person only out for a check. don't talk about OUR residents expense, because you don't work here you don't know and therefore not worth my time. to the 30 plus year nurse, i don't think you are employed here, and if you are.. then you have forgot what being a nurse is all about.you are taught from day one to be a patient advocate, we are not asking for more money, we are not asking for more benefits, we are only asking for better resident care. we are sick and tired of our residents, that in their last days have no dignity, or starve with waterdown veg. soup and crusty bread grill cheese, no wonder they won't eat, at 5 grand a month they deserve better. and the list can go on and on, who cares about these people? one tech, one nurse to 48 patients, what kind of care do you think is being given. this is why we are turning to a union, no one else cares, not corp, not the state, not administration. i can go elsewhere but how will that help these residents. all we have is new nurses that don't know any better and have already forgotten the oath they took, shame on them! and shame on you. today we lost the best nurse, that was meant to scare us and imitidate us, didn't work! all you did was make us more determined. because there is no win or lose here, the lose here is for the residents. we will not give up. even as you pick us off one by one for cheaper nurses, they will figure it out sooner or later
ReplyDeleteand leave too.and you 30 yr plus nurse and cna lets see you do it alone the 2 of you!, and to you the nurse who left today, this place didn't deserve you. God bless you, you will make another patients life better as you always have , somewhere else, and everyone knows who was a part of that, i hope it comes back to you 10 fold, then we will all be smiling.
Thats true you're just hurting yourselves by doing this have you researched what the union really is? I agree with the earlier posts, and the patients will suffer aswell as the employees By threatening to stop work if companies don’t pay employees more, unions force companies to layoff some workers. That hurts some union workers. Unions don't just pit workers against employers. They pit a select group of workers against consumers, stockholders, and other workers. Unions don't even make agreements that are in the interest of all their own workers, just those in the majority, usually just older workers with more seniority.
ReplyDeleteSuppose demands for higher wages or benefits means 20 percent of unionized workers would be fired. That isn't such a hard decision for a union. Twenty percent of its members will oppose the agreement, but they won't be union members for long. Most of the remaining 80 percent are likely to support the agreement.
Unions also protect seniority, not the most productive workers.
You are so misinformed. What you just said,is what is already being done by administation. Do you know any nurses in a union? I do.anything they can offer right now would be a improvement. Im sorry but you have to be in administation to make these statments. And that says a lot about where your intrests lay.
ReplyDelete--"we are not asking for more money, we are not asking for more benefits, we are only asking for better resident care. we are sick and tired of our residents, that in their last days have no dignity, or starve with waterdown veg. soup and crusty bread grill cheese, no wonder they won't eat, at 5 grand a month they deserve better. and the list can go on and on, who cares about these people?"--
ReplyDeleteI think if you spent just a few minutes reading through this blog it is clear that the patients care has been the very last item on your agenda.
Now, since it's apparent your cause is a failure you want to scream, "Oh the poor patients" Ha! I for one am just a little smarter than that.
Do your bosses and corprate know what the staff at the GLC are doing? If you would worry about doing your jobs as much as you complain you would acheive alot. You say you want to care for the patients better and get better meals for them? I will almost guarantee you are getting on this blog while you are at work. If you are trying to have the union come in you better have all your facts together and better have followed the proper protocal in filing complaints. You must have everything documented and on PAPER!! When you come forward with this alot of you will be out of a job and labeled as trouble makers.
ReplyDeleteI believe it is time to bring this to the attention of Lori, Jeff, Sonya and a few others on the Board of Dir. I was informed a few moments ago of this matter and wanted to come and see this for myself. I was also informed that two nurses at GLC were the root of all this along with a few other staff members, Elizabeth Blair and Vicki Jones
ReplyDeleteYou are correct concerned nurse...
ReplyDeleteI don't think these girls are thinking it through.
They keep fucking up and losing their jobs and rather than take responsibility for their own actions they blame management and/or corporate.
All this finger pointing... childish. And I agree, it's apparent this whole matter has had nothing to do with patient care but rather the plight of a few whiners because they aren't getting their way anymore.
In my nearly 60 years on this earth I have found that human nature causes people to point the finger at others to divert attention from themselves. Most of us grow out of this behavior and accept responsibility for our own actions. It's to little to late girls. Time to grow up and be adults and stop blaming everyone else.
My guess is, if you all would shut the fuck and start doing your jobs to the fullest of your ability, management wouldn't feel the need to do their job and I know patient care would improve.
Ever heard the saying, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you!"
Its like that song.... u dont what u got til its gone....i wil mis him.....thanks ya evil witches
ReplyDeleteIts funny how i wrote a huge post n now its unposted i guess joy is right its vicki n liz
ReplyDeleteDear the truth hurts I saw ur comment n i was there the nite the 11-7 nurses posted that sign n i got 2 read ur comment b4 it was removed n ur rite lori only listened 2 what BS the nurses fed her n NEVER listened 2 the CNAs but i guess they didnt like ur comment so its like u said the truth hurts dont it
ReplyDelete4 all those who cant locate corp# no more 2 report the BS goin on in here i will give it out it is 18005729981
Please call n complain about whatever u think is not right 4 these residents n sonya when u 1st started here n someine called corp on ur ass n u held a little meeting threatening 2 cut off whom evers fingers 4 calling on u....well i hope u got some sharp scissors bc there will b alot of phone calls made
I hope u enjoy ur day
I love strawberry flavored Eskimo's
ReplyDeleteI think it's time to make this blog useless...
ReplyDeleteGeez I love crybabies!
This is for strawberry eskimo's. 3
dear folks, come join us with silly and useless ramblings.. just be silly and have a blast... cause its wed already...
ReplyDeleteyou not only make me go hmmm but varooommmmmmmmmmm... hehe
ReplyDeletejust thinkin what should i wear tonight.
You should wear that pretty little pink number
ReplyDeleteyou mean the one you sent me for christmas to wear just for you? hehehe
ReplyDeleteNo, not that one....The little one with the sparklies~
ReplyDeleteyou mean the pink thong with the sparklies you sent me then ? oh no way hehe i only do pink one way..
ReplyDeleteand thats in private just for you.. hehe
ReplyDeleteI am thinking dancing tonight wearing red ruffly top for the start of a red hot Valentines weekend...
ReplyDeleteOMG...LUV IT Snow!
ReplyDeleteGet your butt over here and dance and ski with me honey..Then we can purr together too...
ReplyDeletemeanwhile back at the ranch
ReplyDeleteit ain't over till the fat lady sings
ReplyDeleteI'm here to tell ya
ReplyDeletewhat ole wise one do you have to tell?
ReplyDeleteI used to say that when I ran a construuction crew
ReplyDeleteEnd of story
You need to work on the Plot of your story
ReplyDeleteanxiously awaiting the plot..
ReplyDeleteWell i'm here ta tell this print is wrong or they sent the wrong F*ckin truesses Get me the print and get your azz on the wall the cranes comin end of story
ReplyDeleteCranes are coming????
ReplyDeleteAin't they birds?
Not when their swingin trusses
ReplyDeletelol good story..
ReplyDeleteThat girl's so ready she'll trip you up and beat you to the floor.
ReplyDeletei meant it was a good true story.. ya cant make up stuff like that. .hehe i been around construction most all my life.. sounded right to me hehe..
ReplyDeleteYep seemed to keep things lively
ReplyDeleteNo matter where ya go, there ya are!
ReplyDelete?????????????????????? GUTS ??????????????????????????????????????
ReplyDeletei like that one.. how are ya?
ReplyDeletedang yawl, my back, belly and two sides are achin tonight ..
ReplyDeleteso I got a call from a telemarketer the other day.
ReplyDeleteI am fortunate enough to speak a couple of different
languages so I started off in English, switched to Spanish.
(I only a few phrases in that) then switched to French,
then Russian, Norsk, and Italian. The guy on the other end
said "Ma'am what is the best language to talk with you in?"
I said "Sign Language. I am deaf." after a moment of silence
I heard "Oh ok" and then he hung up.
I wonder why.
I thought it made sense.
Besides it made me smile.
I don't swing trusses but I do swing a mop.
ReplyDeleteoh thats hularious heheh
ReplyDeleteGood and rested and ready to cowgirl up this afternoon!!
ReplyDeletehavin a wonderul week.. glad to hear you are well and good as well..
ReplyDeletegoin out to play with the horses today i take it?
Yes and hear tell we might even ride a little this afternoon. Going to work with the babies is the primary. Yep, all is well and quiet over here to the left!!
ReplyDeleteSince where ever you go you are still considered to be here, when you go somewhere shouldn't you really be going somehere????
ReplyDeleteLike those dogs trotting up a sidewalk on a mission!! Where are they going??
ReplyDeleteI went to Golden Corral for an "all you can eat" buffet, but they kicked me out when it closed and tried to charge me again the next day!
ReplyDeleteBastiches anyway!! I don't eat enough in those places to offset the cost!
ReplyDeleteI would suggest you try the "all you can eat" kids meal...but every time I eat the little brats they give me gas!
ReplyDeleteI don't think there's a buffet other then asian anywhere around here, but then I don't get out much!!
ReplyDeleteI never eaten an Asian...do they give you gas???
ReplyDeleteTry some Beeno with each one.
ReplyDeleteI can't beleive people are discussing crepitating at this early morning hour!
ReplyDeletemeanwhile back at the ranch
ReplyDeleteNope, girls don't fart!!
ReplyDeleteHead, neck and feet will follow!! Worked on trailering today!!
ReplyDeleteA compromise is an agreement whereby both parties get what neither of them wanted.
ReplyDeleteAll my life, I always wanted to be somebody. Now I see that I should have been more specific.
ReplyDeleteIf it ain't broke, don't fix it!
ReplyDeleteIf The Phone Doesn't Ring, It's Me.
ReplyDeleteAbility is what will get you to the top if the boss has no daughter.
ReplyDeleteBe very careful of whos toes you step on going up the ladder of success. They might be the same ones you'll have to step over on your way down.
ReplyDeletethats hard work there.. i had a right long day myself..
ReplyDeleteand folks i do like these ramblins...
steeler welcome ...
wild is hotter than a 45 thats been shot all night.. hehe
ReplyDeletehey aint it nice to be able to post on some threads where you dont have to view the junk that goes on so much here?
ReplyDeleteyes, it is. But I still it. It's all good tho. I have on my suit of armor.
ReplyDeleteAnd I have oil in my blood...makes repelling trolls so much easier.
lol, meanwhile back at the ranch..
ReplyDeleteWhen you point your finger at another person, remember...You have four fingers pointing right back!
ReplyDeletewhen i point i only got 3 pointin right back at me.. hehe thumbs pointin forward..
ReplyDeletewild i like that one.. hehe
oops wrong thread...
ReplyDeletedon't bite the hand that feeds you.
ok betsy ol gal just start baby cmon start got to get to work cmon girl start-------------- shit!
ReplyDeleteRoad goes both ways. Same distance from my
ReplyDeletehouse to yours as it is yours to mine.
Odd how that works out.
meanwhile back at the ranch...
ReplyDeleteDamned if you do and damned if you don't.
ReplyDeletea stitch in time saves nine
ReplyDeleteStick a fork in me. I'm done!
ReplyDeleteshes got a butt on her like a 40.00 dollar mule hehe
ReplyDeleteThis is gonna hurt me more than it does you.
ReplyDeletewhatre you talking about man? youre not goin anywhere .. or is there summin i should know?
ReplyDeleteA silly saying, that's all. Isn't that what this thread is about?
ReplyDeletelol yep it is kak,, my bad...
ReplyDeleteA laundromat is a bad place to pick up a man because if he can't even afford a washing machine he will probably never be able to support you.
ReplyDeleteNever buy a portable TV set on the street from a man who is out of breath.
ReplyDeleteA great place to meet new women is at a sex change clinic...
ReplyDeleteNever trust a skinny cook!
ReplyDeleteNever spend two dollars to dry clean a shirt. Donate it to the Salvation Army. They'll clean it and put it on a hanger. Next morning buy it back for seventy-five cents.
ReplyDeleteHe who laughs last thinks slowest.
ReplyDeleteRemember, half the people you know are below average.
ReplyDeleteHam and Eggs: Just a day's work for a chicken but a lifetime commitment for a pig.
ReplyDeleteSign seen in a bar: "Those drinking to forget please pay in advance"
ReplyDeleteIf it's true that we are here to help others, then what the hell are the others here for?
ReplyDeleteOmg where did i end up lol i thought this was a blog but it sounds like romper room right now lol
ReplyDeleteDust: Nature's protective coating for your fine furniture.
ReplyDeleteIf Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?
ReplyDeleteWhat comes around goes around, then you'll need penicillin.
ReplyDeleteYou know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes? Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff?
ReplyDeleteWhy didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?
ReplyDeleteYou never see a headline "Psychic Wins Lottery".
ReplyDeleteVegetarian ~ Indian word meaning "poor hunter"
ReplyDeleteBe thankful we're not getting all the government we're paying for. -- Will Rogers
ReplyDeleteI once spent a year in Philadelphia, I think it was on a Sunday. -- W.C. Fields
ReplyDeleteYou know that look women get when they want sex? Me neither! -- Drew Carey
ReplyDeleteYou're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on. -- Dean Martin
ReplyDeleteI think men who have a pierced ear are better prepared for marriage. They've experienced pain and bought jewelry. -- Rita Rudner
ReplyDeleteAlways get married early in the morning. That way, if it doesn't work out, you haven't wasted a whole day. -- Mickey Rooney
ReplyDeleteA man doesn't know what hapiness is until he's married. By then it's too late. -- Frank Sinatra
ReplyDeleteI've been doing the Fonda workout: the Peter Fonda workout. That's where I wake up, take a hit of acid, smoke a joint, and run to my sister's house and ask her for money. -- Kevin Meaney
ReplyDeleteTo attract men, I wear a perfume called 'New Car Interior'. -- Rita Rudner
ReplyDeleteIf love is blind, why is lingerie so popular? -- Unknown
ReplyDeleteI don't drink these days. I am allergic to alcohol and narcotics. I break out in handcuffs. -- Robert Downey Junior
ReplyDeleteHousekeeping is pointless. You wash the dishes, do the laundry, make the beds. Six months later you have to do it all again. -- Joan Rivers
ReplyDeleteToo bad that all the people who know how to run the country are busy driving taxicabs and cutting hair. -- George Burns
ReplyDeletePossum Stew
ReplyDeleteOne possum, skinned, pieced
Couple of onions, potatos, other veggies yer
choice ..chop or slice em ....however
1 can of mushroom soup
2 cans of beef gravy
1 can of water
Tbsp each of pepper, garlic salt
Boil the possum meat in a large pot of water
with a half cup of salt for about half a day.
Pour the water out and add all the stuff to it.
Bring to a boil, then simmer covered 4 to 8 hrs.
Serves 8 (or 1 for a week).
Gravy is good sopped up with week-old bread.
You can eat other stuff with it too.
Drink beer
(TIP: 3 day old roadkill is more tender and
easier to skin)
Baked Carp
ReplyDelete1 Carp, gutted and skinned
1 pine board a little bigger that the carp
Clean em both real good
Marinade (soak) the carp for a day in a mixture
of red wine (or Nite Train), Old Bay, lemon, salt,
pepper, garlic salt and water (amts. to your taste).
Soak the board for a day in water.
Put the fish on the board and bake at 300 for 3 hrs.
Remove from oven, cool 1 hr., discard fish, eat board.
Serves 1 to 4 ..depends on size of the board.
Drink beer.
Learn the facts. Join our cause. Make a huge contribution.
ReplyDelete"Smell of baked bread may be health hazard." --from an article in the Cincinnati Enquirer. The main danger, apparently, is that the organic components of this aroma may break down ozone. When are we going to do something about bread-induced global warming? Sure, we attack tobacco companies, but when is the government going to go after Big Bread?
More facts. Join our cause. Make a huge contribution.
ReplyDelete-- More than 98 percent of convicted felons are bread users.
-- Fully HALF of all children who grow up in bread-consuming households score below average on standardized tests.
-- More than 90 percent of violent crimes are committed within 24 hours of eating bread.
-- Bread is made from a substance called "dough." It has been proven that as little as one pound of dough can be used to suffocate a mouse. The average American eats more bread than that in one month!
-- Bread has been proven to be addictive. Subjects deprived of bread and given only water to eat begged for bread after as little as two days.
-- Bread is often a "gateway" food item, leading the user to "harder" items such as butter, jelly, peanut butter, and even cold cuts.
-- Newborn babies can choke on bread.
-- Bread is baked at temperatures as high as 400 degrees Fahrenheit! That kind of heat can kill an adult in less than one minute.
-- Most American bread eaters are utterly unable to distinguish between significant scientific fact and meaningless statistical babbling and many have even been known to vote Democratic.
-- Bread has been the catalyst for political upheaval and dietary disaster worldwide, the militant "Whole Grain Cult", for instance.
-- After Jesus broke bread with his disciples the resulting betrayal changed world history forever. (Incorrect fundamentalist thinking blames it on the wine.)
-- Money is sometimes called "bread". Money is the root of all evil. Coincidence?
Frightening statistics! We propose the following:
ReplyDelete-- No sale of bread to minors.
-- A nationwide "Just Say No To Toast" campaign, complete with celebrity TV spots and bumper stickers.
-- A 300 percent federal tax on all bread to pay for all the societal ills we might associate with bread.
-- No animal or human images, nor any primary colors (which may appeal to children) may be used to promote bread usage.
-- The establishment of "Bread-free" zones around schools.
-- Eliminate subsidies for farmers engaged in the growing of wheat.
-- Health hazard warning labels to be placed on all packages of bread.
How can you help?
ReplyDelete-- Make a huge contribution.
-- Put us in your will.
-- Link to this site to spread the word.
-- Tell your friends, strangers and coworkers.
-- Contact your Congressman and demand action now.
-- Organize "bread lines" in your neighborhood.
-- Use the email link to send your credit card and pin numbers.
-- Join this organization for a mere one-time fee of $1000. **
-- Don't forget that huge contribution. PayPal button for your convenience.
Stop the Carnage!
ReplyDeleteHalt the Slaughter!
Our Plywood Forests Are Fast Disappearing.
The photos tell the story.
Thousands of years and mankind hasn't yet learned.
The Ethiopian forests are gone. Same in downtown Detroit.
Where is the polyester to live when it's habitat is gone?
The green tree octypus? The plywood slug?
It's time to take action. Learn the facts. Act now.
What can you do? How can you help? Follow the links.
And send a huge contribution. PayPal link for convenience.
ReplyDeleteQ: What is a plywood tree?
A: It's the only tree with laminated grain.
Q: Why is it endangered?
A: It's ready to use as a building material.
Q: Where does it grow?
A: In the forest.
Q: How large does it get?
A: Mature plywood trees are 4 feet wide and grow to 8, 12 and 14 feet high. Thickness of the trunk can range from 1/8 to 1 inch.
Please use the 900 number for more questions.
Cleo will be happy to accommodate you.
How can you help?
ReplyDeleteYou can help to save the plywood forests by:
Don't buy or use plywood
Don't buy a house built after 1954
Don't buy furniture at Wal-mart
Give the logging truck drivers the bird
Plant a plywood tree
Send a huge contribution
Hit List
ReplyDeleteBoycott these uncaring businesses/products:
Home Depot
Home builders
Cheap furniture
Cabinet makers and merchants
Mobile homes and dealers
THIS will make you cry!
Society for the Preservation of Polyesters
ReplyDeleteProtecting the polyester population for posterity Save the Polyesters!
We hope you will join us in our fight to stamp out the senseless slaughter of billions of helpless polyesters across the world. Our grassroots campaign is rapidly growing but we still need your help to spread the word that polyesters are living, feeling creatures too. Imagine the horror of these small beings as they are choking their last breath, clutching their young to their breasts as uncaring humans thoughtlessly slaughter them just to make tacky clothing.
Do you have any idea as to how many of these cute little creatures it takes to make just one polyester suit?
Come join us and help our cause. Read about the things you can start to do now to help rectify the situation starting in your own backyard and home. Contact us if you know of other ways to help.
Q. How do you confuse a blonde?
ReplyDeleteA. Paint yourself green and throw forks at her
Q. How do you know when a Frenchman has been near your house?
ReplyDeleteA. You don't, really, unless you were there to see him or if one of your neighbors saw him. I wouldn't worry about it, really.
Q. What's worse then finding a worm in your apple?
ReplyDeleteA. The Holocaust.
Q. Why did the blonde get fired from the M&M factory?
ReplyDeleteA. Repeated absences and stealing.
Q. What do you get when you cross a chicken with a centipede?
ReplyDeleteA. A media circus about the debate over the morals and ethics of genetic engineering.
A priest, a rabbi, and a buddhist monk walk into a bar, sit at the end and start having some drinks. Two hours later, they come out with a better understanding of each other and a mutual respect, the beginnings of a friendship that lasts a lifetime.
ReplyDeleteA pirate walks into a bar with a ship's wheel stuck to his crotch.
ReplyDeleteThe bartender says, "Hey, you got a wheel stuck to your crotch."
The pirate replies, "Yarr, me ship wrecked in a terrible storm and my testicles swelled with an infection while I was knocked unconscious against the wheel. Can you please call a doctor?"
edit: some more
Q. What's the difference between a post box and a vagina?
ReplyDeleteA. A post box is a public container for the deposit of outgoing mail, and a vagina is the passage leading from the opening of the vulva to the cervix of the uterus in female mammals.
A horse walks into a bar, and the barman says "Why the long face?". The horse replies:
ReplyDelete"I'm deeply troubled by the anthropomorphic aspects of my existance and the extent to which I am now protected by law."
Q. Why was six afraid of seven?
ReplyDeleteA. It wasn't. Numbers are not sentient and thus incapable of feeling fear.
You do not intimidate me, you do not scare me, and I hate strawberry eskimos
ReplyDeleteJOY HR when u talk about someone, you realy should have the facts. You are so misinformed hehehehe
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry for those two nures getting the blame for this. But we have to keep going. Some sacrifices have to be made. Somebody should tell them, becaue they dont even know about this blog or the union, since they made it clear they are not for the union or the corporate, or the gic administration staff. They dont get into politics or religion. Poor girls.
ReplyDeleteI know right they both are probably sleeping right now, and they dont even have a computer.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what kind of drugs Strawberry is on, with her panic attacks.
ReplyDeleteLeave strawberry alone n those 2 hefias deserve what they get
ReplyDeleteDo you girls really think that corporate and admin care about or read this blog? Trust me, if they do visit, it's for the laugh cause you all are hilarious. I know that I've been laughing. Some ignorance I feel sorry for. This ignorance is entertaining.
ReplyDeleteTo the one who is so entertained. The joke is on you. You already fired a nurse (the best) now your after two others who dont even know what is going on. Please fire them, please, Your just fishing, but your in the wrong pond. hehehe. When u do what you think you have to do for what cause? When they dont need you anymore, then you to will be replaced. I can tell you this, one of these nurses (that doesnt even know about this) served her country for many years, and went to war. Do you honestly think she will take this lying down? You just opened a can of worms while being so misinformed by the crazy nurse and uncle tom. I think when these two nurses hear this they will be more than eager to join our cause. Lets Play Ball. You talk about inbred rednecks, but look who has a recipe for possum stew. Hehehehe
ReplyDeleteWatch out 4 any1 who sits behind a desk in an office it may look like they are working but tgey are really doing is sharpening their knives so they can stab my next coworker in the back
ReplyDeleteThese next two. they picked the wrong ones, especially because they are innocent. they are fighters. they are better than any of them. they better sharpen their knives good. Because if they think they can bring them down. These two will get back up and kick ass
ReplyDeleteI smell several lawsuits
ReplyDeleteThere could b slander & wrongful Termination
I hope the union comes quick bc they plan on pecking us off 1 at a time Just 4 wanting 2 b unionized n 2 know our job is safe n finally pay us 4 what we r worth
I hope some1 has informed liz & vicki of what is goin on n i hope the shit does hit the fan when they hear all i can say is ..... Kyle I think we r gonna Need a clean up
ReplyDeleteThey were doing this before we were trying to get a union. Thats why we did this. They just wouldnt listen. WELL WE ARE A VOICE AND WE WILL BE HEARD!!! We the people for the people Can they fire over half the bldg. yep and can they close it down and open another one yep. But at least I can sleep at night knowing I tried.
ReplyDeleteThat would require kyle 2 pull his head out of someones ass lol so just page pam lol
ReplyDeleteIts realy funny how Timberwolf keeps saying her messages are being deleted. The rest aint. And how is she getting that posted without being deleted? she made it through school with plagerism and pity. Cant help it she dont know what she is doing with a computer hehehe
ReplyDeleteWho is timberwolf N do u need blogging for dummies lmao
ReplyDeleteI am very entertained. I am an internet troll. Google it if ya don't know what that is.
ReplyDeleteI do not know anyone that works at glc nor do I know anyone in Springfield. i just like fucking with dumb people. I was pointed here by a nurse friend of mine who was laughing at this blog. In case you weren't aware you've become entertainment for other medical personnel. Other facilities are laughing at you guy
Personally I'm dreading the end because i'll have to find somewhere else to troll. :(
OMG, there are two of us trolling this forum? Hahaha
ReplyDeleteI work at baptist and have been coming here for a couple days doing the same thing.
Aren't these girls fun or what, Too funny?
I feel sorry for the management. Hang in there admin, they will eventually screw themselves out of a job. This too shall pass.
I think we all need therapy bc of what GLC has put us (by us i mean the 1s that bust the asses 4 these residents)
ReplyDeleteThe adminstrative staff has done what they set out 2 do n that was separate us n then keep the splineless 1s ( not meaning 2 insult any1) n get rid of the stronger 1s the 1s who will not lay down 2 then n stay in the fetal position
We need 2 stay strong n unite
ReplyDeleteU will b missed by all
Missed by "all?" Um... I doubt the admin staff who fired jt will hahahahaha!
ReplyDeleteI have no idea who jt is, but I bet they deserved to be fired.
I love how you girls want to blame your admin for posts. Honestly, I doubt the admin has even seen this blog, nor do I think they care. hahaha. Squirm little fishy squirm. Seriously, you few girls are making yourselves appear dumb. Proof is how you try to shift the ignorance of this blog to someone else. Best I can tell from reading this blog your admin didn't decide to air your dirty laundry in such a cowardly way. Really? Anonymous? And for the whole world to see?
ReplyDeleteAll you girls have done here is blame others for your own fuck ups. Be adult. Take responsibility for yourselves first.
Although I will miss the fun here when it ends.
Lori idk sam kinison was ur twin brother lol
ReplyDeleteJoy i hope this keeps u employed
ReplyDelete"--But at least I can sleep at night knowing I tried. --"
ReplyDeleteIt's good you can sleep knowing your children/family are to be the ones who do without because mommy was dumb.
You girls really should stop posting here if you cannot represent your cause any better than this. Imagine if this all goes to some sort of lawsuit and the opposing side uses this as a reference of conduct by the employee's of GLC. I am no judge, but common sense tells me this will hurt your cause, not help it.
ReplyDeleteIn all the movies I've seen with Jay & Silent Bob, they always win. Poor reference. God you girls need to stop posting. Seriously you're fucking up. Don't believe me ask a lawyer or your union rep.
Blah blah blah its freedom of speech n is no where near any internet crime So exactly what can be bought into court most of it is anonymous anyways anybody including administration could of wrote any or all of it your going to have to bring something stronger to the table then that
ReplyDeleteTo I hate crybabies...I agree this is being handled wrong in so many ways you're supposed to be discreet and gather information without being noticed and fire when they aren't expecting it. But these people haven't got a clue what they are doing.If this does come to LAWSUITS you people are in serious trouble if you are going to try and use the material on this blog. Is it worth losing your jobs and all you have worked for? I agree you should ask a lawyer or your Union Rep. because this is all wrong, and you are risking your license because you just act and don't think about what you are doing
ReplyDeleteYou're all wrong about being anonymous here. It's called an IP address. With that they can identify the Internet Provider you were connected to when you posted. With that info they can then idnetify who was using that IP at the specified time and date. It only takes a simple request by an attorney to achieve. Furthermore, it's also very easy for a hacker to get this info. I promise you, you're not anonymous. Don't believe me, google it or ask a computer nerd you know.
ReplyDeleteYou may also want to look at the newest post started here. Someone is claiming to be getting EVERYONES information who has posted on this blog and posting it here for all to see then is going to email that same info to corporate and to your management. I would be careful if I were you fools. Looks like this blog is going to bite you in the ass.
Its freedom of speech here we only lose our Constitutional rights when we clock in lol
ReplyDelete"--Its freedom of speech--"
ReplyDeleteNo one is questioning your freedom of speech or your ability to say whatever you want here. But, there are consequences for your actions and in an "At Will" state opening your mouth isn't always the best thing to do.
It's called picking your battles.
Personally, if I had any stake in GLC I wouldn't be posting here. Don't you realize corporate has Computer Nerds who work for them? They obviously have a Legal Team. So why put your titty on the chopping block to get chopped? Not very smart.
STOP POSTING DUMBASS'S!!! Seriously, you're not helping us with this ignorance!! FUCK!
ReplyDeleteSick & amp about summed it up lol
ReplyDeleteI have been reading the comments on this page. I came here at the urging of someone with a loved at GL. I visit them regularly. As a outsider looking in I can not comment as to the pay scale or work flow for the employees of GL, but I can make the comment below;
ReplyDeleteIt has been seen by most family members of the residents of GL that the overall operation of the facility is in a severe decline. From being understaffed to quality of the overall care of the residents. Ultimately it is about the residents whom without no one would have a job. Maybe it's time for someone to bring in the media and let them spread the word about the care the residents are receiving. I've personally seen the situation and it's deplorable. Or maybe the State needs to get involved. I wish the best for employees of GL and understand your situations as well.