THEY DREW FIRST BLOOD NOT ME MEMORABLE QUOTES Rambo: There are no friendly civilians! Trautman: But I'm your friend Johnny! I was there with you knee-deep in all that blood and guts. I covered your ass more than once. Seems like baling you out of trouble's got to be a life-time achievement for me. Rambo: There wouldn't be no trouble except for that king-shit cop! All I wanted was something to eat. But the man kept pushing Sir. Trautman: Well you did some pushing on your own John. Rambo: They drew first blood, not me. Trautman: Look Johnny, let me come in and get you the hell out of there! Rambo: They drew first blood... Trautman: I don't think you understand. I didn't come to rescue Rambo from you. I came here to rescue you from him. Teasle: Well, we all appreciate your concern Colonel, I will try to be extra careful! Trautman: I'm just amazed he allowed any of your posse to live. Teasle: Is that right? Trautman: Strictly speaking, he slipped up. You're lucky to be breathing. Teasle: That's just great. Colonel, you came out here to find out why one of your machines blew a gasket! Trautman: You don't seem to want to accept the fact you're dealing with an expert in guerrilla warfare, with a man who's the best, with guns, with knives, with his bare hands. A man who's been trained to ignore pain, ignore weather, to live off the land, to eat things that would make a billy goat puke. In Vietnam his job was to dispose of enemy personnel. To kill! Period! Win by attrition. Well Rambo was the best.
Rambo: I could have killed 'em all, I could kill you. In town you're the law, out here it's me. Don't push it. Don't push it or I'll give you a war you won't believe. Let it go. Let it go.
man oh man you are right time to be strong
ReplyDeleteO good grief charlie brown were screwed lol
ReplyDeleteDo you have any idea how you look to those of us outside of your situation? You're making posts that, first, has some of the worst grammer and spelling I've seen. Don't you have to be able to read and write in order to work as a nurse? Second, you all sound like whiners. Seriously. You're not helping yourselves at all.
ReplyDeleteYou're quoting some dumb movies. Try being original. Quit plagerising.
ReplyDeleteUm the spelling is from textn u ignorant outsider
ReplyDeleteWasnt the point of this blog was so the GLC employees could vent SINCE management does not listen 2 us ?
ReplyDeletewell obviously a inocent awsome person that loves his residents and they love him didnt make it.
ReplyDeletestupid he is suspended for absent not gone just yet
ReplyDeleteThats funny bc certain office staff mentioned he was gone as in 2 b replaced n its awful he was the best i no RNs that relied on him in stressful situations
ReplyDeleteHey "Embarrassed to call myself a nurse" you should be. Because you are not real. anyone who does not support this cause does not care, and does not remember the oath. It sure is funny once the U word was mentioned, Corporate HR came down. By the way why do we have HR at the facility when corporate has to do their job. Meanwhile back at the ranch. So corp hr comes down. Wants to know "Whats wrong, why is morale down." Sure is funny how the people who told her what was wrong all got disciplined in some way. But did they care? No the following weekend after they left. We had one nurse (a new grad) and one tech left on the floor to take care of all those residents. Tell me how much care could they have gave. So you so called outsiders stay outside because you do not have a clue. Hey we should start a petition to bring back that nurse. I wonder if we can use it when we go to collectively bargaining.
ReplyDeleteAll you people who love the office. write down your benefits. If you know of any let us know.
ReplyDeleteWe want that nurse back, and Strawberry stop crying.
ReplyDeletei wonder why anyone on the outside would be looking or commenting on this site, what is their motive? makes one wonder... do you think maybe they are really not on the outside? and i bet where they really are is sitting with their heads up the area the sun can't hit! They think the brownie points will get them some where? they will find out it only makes them smell bad!
ReplyDeleteYou're all wrong about being anonymous here. It's called an IP address. With that they can identify the Internet Provider you were connected to when you posted. With that info they can then idnetify who was using that IP at the specified time and date. It only takes a simple request by an attorney to achieve. Furthermore, it's also very easy for a hacker to get this info. I promise you, you're not anonymous. Don't believe me, google it or ask a computer nerd you know.
ReplyDeleteThe reason I am playing here as an outsider is for the entertainment. It's called being an Internet Troll. Google it if you don't know what it means either. I really am an outsider. I found this through a friend at another facility that you girls were acting out. I've already posted this, but you girls are being laughed at by other facilities. Seriously, we're all having fun watching you act like children. Please don't stop or I will be bored.
I'm going to miss you gals once you're fired due to performance, because then I won't have this blog to entertain me. :(
ReplyDeleteI just happen to know someone who can get this info for me. I have already called him and he has agreed. To prove it, he will be posting this info here for all to see. Someones going to be surprised!! ;)
ReplyDeleteMay take a couple days but it will be posted. Don't believe it can be done? You will soon.
Oh and he just called back and said I should also email it to Corporate as well as your facility management. I like that idea. Let's see how much fun this place gets once that happens. :)
"--All you people who love the office. write down your benefits. If you know of any let us know. --"
ReplyDeleteIt's called a paycheck. Next stupid question...
"--Hey we should start a petition to bring back that nurse. I wonder if we can use it when we go to collectively bargaining.--"
ReplyDeleteTN is an "at will" employer. That means they don't have to have a reason to let you go. Google that also if ya don't believe me. They can fire and hire at will. Nothing you can do about it unfortunately.
A petition is useless in an "At Will" employment state.
ReplyDeleteIf I were any of you and wanted to keep this job, I would shut the fuck up and start working my ass off, show up when scheduled and be happy you're getting a paycheck. Have any of you been watching the news? Some of the highest unemployment in history. If you don't want this job then why make all this noise and look so foolish?
If i were the owner of this site I think I would delete it before that hacker gets everyones info. I don't work for your company so I could care less. But those of you who do work for GLC I'd be worried.
ReplyDeleteI agree, if you want to work I would shut up. Do you think that your company is the only ones downsizing and cutting costs? I assure you this economy has touched everyone. Finding a job in the medical field is getting harder because there is so much competition with all the cut backs. Then add in all the free money Obama is giving out for education and you will find the medical field is having some of it's highest attendance in years. Which means even more competition. Doesn't appear that you are thinking this through.
ReplyDeleteEw! Ew! Ew!... can I play with the retarded nurses too? hmmm let's see what I can do...
ReplyDeleteIf u wanna c retarted nurses u need 2 check out the 3-11 supervisor n the 2 yes 2 ADONs n the DON bc the rest of our nurses actually do there work yes some do it better then others but there not freakin retarted like you seem to think
ReplyDeleteYou don't have to be a Bill Gates to wipe ass's and change sheets. Monkey's can be trained to say, "Do you want fry's with that?"
ReplyDeleteI do not know your admin, however, I do know you don't get into those positions by being lazy or retarded.
If you girls would shut the fuck up and act like you got some sense, this whole process could go your way. At the current state of affairs you retards have created, makes you losers in your fight.
Don't want to be called retarded then don't act retarded.
I'm anxious for that hacker dude to post the info of who all has been posting and acting like retards. That's when this place will get real FUN!
ReplyDelete"you can train a monkey to wipe ass"??? Realy, we view our jobs as helping residents do things they cant do themselves and along with that comes love, caring, and dignity. Does a monkey possess that? We know who you are, this is administration making these posts. We dont need IP addresses to figure that out. Your attitude and language tells the staff who you are and what you think of us. You would do better not commenting. We are all wondering if your CEO or top management is aware you are further proving the need for collective bargaining. Collective bargaining will give the employees fairness and justice. Your attitude displayed putting down the CNA's and "RETARTED" nurses show how much you care about your staff, that without them you wouldnt even get a pay check think about that. Yes we are very well educated on our handbook, the first page states "At will." read it now read the last paragraph. You can not scare us, if you want to fire us, fire us. If there are other facilitis laughing at us, they are not care givers. What care giver would find it funny to be the only nurse or only tech to take care of all these resident. If people dont stand up and fight against people like you, In the future they probably will have monkeys trained to do our jobs.
ReplyDelete"--Realy, we view our jobs as helping residents do things they cant do themselves and along with that comes love, caring, and dignity.--"
ReplyDeleteI don't care who you "think" I am. I know who I am. Your guessing is your problem. You've got into a place where you think everyone is against you. You feel this sense of purpose by posting here. I am telling you, posting here is a mistake. I'm attempting to help you.
If you would not act like retarded monkeys then no one would call you retarded monkey's.
Let me tell you, your admin has resources on tap, they can get good legal advice any time they want. They got to this place in life by being smart and NOT throwing their dirty laundry around at anyone and everyone (This public blog). I honestly do not know anyone at Springfield GLC. If your patients are of so much concern then why don't you focus on them and stop trying to point your finger at everyone else. I keep seeing posts where you guys are talking about what you're not getting and how you're being cheated. Patient care is the last of your concern or this blog would represent that fact.
Do yourselves and the rest of us who do care about our patients a favor and stop acting like childish retarded monkey's. Whats so hard to understand about that?
Are you really seeking a Union? Cause if you are, ask that rep about this blog and see what they say.
STOP POSTING NONSENSE! Stop posting shit that's all about you and how you're being done wrong. Focus on positive change.
Stop name calling and pointing at others. Stop pointing out what everyone else is doing wrong. Start focusing on yourself.
The way you girls have spoken about your fellow co-workers bring great concern about your care for the patients. I personally would not want any of my family members being cared for by so many childish nurses. If you cannot handle yourselves here you're not going to touch my family. Your true colors are being shown here. I understand why management is making a change. This blog makes it obvious. There are definite problem children at GLC with the proof to us outsiders being this blog.
Monkeys can do there jobs 2 i hear there great at math maybe my paycheck will finally b
ReplyDelete"--show how much you care about your staff, that without them you wouldnt even get a pay check think about that.--"
ReplyDeleteMore proof of what your management is trying to fix. You think you cannot be replaced? Really? You think if the few nurses at GLC who want to whine and cry and act like retarded monkey's will be missed by your management, then you may really be retarded.
"--If people dont stand up and fight against people like you, In the future they probably will have monkeys trained to do our jobs.--"
I am guessing here, but I bet your management and probably other co-workers wish they had monkey's helping them rather than the stupidity you VERY FEW are displaying.
Seriously, step back and think about the shit you VERY FEW girls are posting here. Seriously, think about it. If you're not retarded monkey's then you should be able to see what's so clear to all the rest of us on the outside.
"--maybe my paycheck will finally b--"
ReplyDeleteI can clearly see how concerned you all are your patients.
Stop you dumbass's! Good God Yall! Fuck!
It sure is funny how "outsider" is more concerned than adminstration. What are they paying you to monitor our site? You keep saying over and over that we are listing patient care last and our concerns first. You have selective reading!!! That is all we have listed is patient care. You are the one swaying away from patient care. You have NOT ONCE responded to the one nurse and one cna to all these residents. Let me tell you this is not a isolated incident, it happens over and over. Your right I wouldnt put my mother here either. But some of our dear families have no choice. And we will make it better for them. So if you are a concerned outsider get off our site. Because all it says is your administration. If not answer this!!! what do we do when they have cut staff to nothing to take care of these patients. Just take it. This has been going on since this admin came on staff. They still get their tans and whatever. When you call and say "Hey I have no help." They say I hate it for you. Truly yours retarted monkey. Oh and by the way it doesnt make you smart to have a degree. But Im sure you climbed the corp ladder on your knees. Meanwhile back at the ranch. Choke on your possum stew. Let a retarted monkey do CPR I believe it will be a slow code.
ReplyDeleteWhat? No answer?? get off my site outsider. You are not a care giver, If your not admin or corp. Then you are being paid by them. Because you dont have a clue. GET OFF MY SITE!!!
ReplyDeleteI am not a civilian emplyeed with you. I am a Soldier/Nurse serving our country right now. If one of these nurses you have targetted is a Vet, You have taken a wrong turn. Have you ever heard the slogan "Bet on a Vet, How better can you get! You dont even want to go there. My Commander In Chief (for those of you dont know is the President and he supports unions.) Google that. My Vote is on the Vet. In my Chosen profession I serve My country and God, Now the Vet nurse is a civilian She serves her Patients and God. ATTENTION! THERES A OFFICER ON BOARD. "JUST DO IT" Every outstanding Soldier doesnt quit when there is war.
ReplyDeleteWhat can I say to monkey's? I've tried, but you just keep proving my point.
ReplyDeleteAs for the Vet... it's called an "At Will" state. Not "At Will except vets"
Girls, you're fucking up. If you want resolution then start acting like you got some fucking sense and be smart. Children go to public places and scream foul anonymously. When you do anything anonymously you give no credence to your cause.
The problem with anonymous is that anyone, like me, can post and say whatever they want. Therefor, nothing posted here gets any recognition. What it does create is a sense of retardedness by a bunch of Monkey's without the balls to face their opponents for a win.
Doesn't matter now really. Corporate and Management of GLC will know soon enough who the cowardly crybabies are. Anon? Ha! You will see.
I've tried to warn ya. I tried to help. It was not until I realized what a bunch of morons you all are that I decided to be vocal.
I started out just reading through. Thinking maybe I could be of help. No. You're not capable of being helped.
So now, I'm just going to have some fun and Troll this blog till it's all over.
You whiners will be working somewhere else very soon I bet. And the patients will be better for it. You see, it should be a team not a war. Anyone with any sense will know, that because of your ignorance the patients are the ones suffering. Just shut the fuck up, do your job. These things always work themselves out. No one likes a whiner.
"--Let a retarted monkey do CPR I believe it will be a slow code. --"
ReplyDeleteAre you serious? You think I do not know that most residents in a nursing facility are DNR. I would bet hardly any of you have ever even done CPR. So don't try and act like you're something special with God abilities to save lives with CPR. You're still Retarded Monkey's.
And yes, I promise, several other facilities are watching this blog. I promise, you're being laughed at. Not for your cause, but for your actions. The rest of us on the outside can see clearly where the problem lies by the retarded monkey posts you girls keep making here. Has nothing to do with Oath and everything to do with your ignorance.
ReplyDeleteOh and Google "Define:Ignorance" it's not an insult, it's just what the problem is. You're all ignorant to what's really going on.
ReplyDeleteRetarded Monkey's you are!
You still have not answered my question. One nurse and one tech what are you scared. this retarted monkey knows who you are. and you know who I am Fire me
ReplyDeleteAnd when you fire me 85% of the employess will rise up and be heard.
ReplyDeleteIs Fu-- in the webster dictionary yet. Where did you get your education. I alwys have known.
ReplyDeleteWhen people are not articulate they use foul language in place of proper english. Open up a dicionary. and talk to me. you ignorant fool. From your ass wiper and retarted monkey hehehe meanwhile back at the ranch. Stop crying strawberry
It's awesome you know me. Because I have no idea who you are. Who is this?
ReplyDeleteI assure you, I am not whoever you think I am.
As for the 1 Nurse 1 tech thing... I don't know if that happen or not. If it did, I'm guessing it was because of some retarded monkey who did not show up at their scheduled time.
I do not believe your management is posting here. I know that it takes intelligence and hard work to get to where your managers are. So, it's apparent that they would not risk their jobs for a bunch of retarded monkey's on an "anonymous" blog.
But, by all means, please, tell me your name, unless you're scared?! ;) I will gladly say "You're fired" Won't count but I will get a great laugh from it.
"--Is Fu-- in the webster dictionary yet. Where did you get your education. I alwys have known.
ReplyDeleteWhen people are not articulate they use foul language in place of proper english. Open up a dicionary. and talk to me. you ignorant fool. From your ass wiper and retarted monkey hehehe meanwhile back at the ranch. Stop crying strawberry--"
Shall we pick on the grammer and spelling in your post? HAHAHA I love it when retarded Monkey's try to be smart.
"--And when you fire me 85% of the employess will rise up and be heard.--"
ReplyDeleteSomeone is awful sure of themselves. Man I wish I could fire your ass. Cause I'd bet my career you would be lucky if anyone even said a word about you being fired. 85%? HAHAHAHAHA Girl you so crazy!
Well they just termianted our best nurse. Without even going through their policies. Peer review etc.. That shows you that they do what they want when they want. And nobody stands by you We do need a union. Someone to represent us because if we had it. This would not have happened. All you who think Admin and these phoney back stabbers are here for you. You are wrong. See what they did to the best. Now what do u think can happen to you. We need representation outside of administration and corp Join our cause If it is good enough for federal and state employees why is it not good enough for us.. YOU WONT GET A PEER REVIEW BECAUSE in the hanbook it clearly states they can change whatever they want when they want. However if you have Representation (union) you have a lawyer.
ReplyDeleteThey are going after the Vet and the other nurse yet mark my word. And when they do they have created a nightmare. Because even when they are gone they did not leave us. They will continue to fight to the end. We will make it a better place to work. We will provide better care. and the rest of them can take a seat. Stop crying strawberry.
ReplyDeleteEverybody has their panties in a wad over what a bunch of faceless ppl goin blah blah blah about things they have no control over management is goin 2 do what they always do they pretend 2 listen n still do whats going 2 do what brings the most money into this building
ReplyDeleteYes its easy 2 complain but that dont fix it n now with the talk of trying 2 bring union in the building the bosses r mad as hell bc unions protect us(nurses & cnas) n in their own words " nurses & CNAs r a dime a dozen" so over the next week i bet the facility spends that dime n replaces those that r in favor of the union
If your not management then why do you support management. Because clearyly you are not a nurse or CNA. So with your own words Fuck off. And a retarted monkey did not call out. She was on vacation. And administration knew that because they approved it. However they did not relace her. So we had one New Grad retarted monkey and one asswipier (as you say) taking care of our residents. You dont work here, you dont know. Who are you. You are very concerned but not employeed. That says a lot. You are a joke. We are laughing at you with your comments so we can spread the word. replying. yOU JUST WOKE A SLEEPING GIANT WE HAVE INFORMED THE VET SHE HAS BEEN TARGETED. SHE WAS PISSED. AND SAID. YEP THERE IS A OFFICER ON BOARD. The staff has been suffering to long. there is nothing left. we have been stripped of everything. It looks like we have to need to fight for respect also talking to you. If you are not management or work here. Do you even have a job. you are so full of shit. I cant wait till the Giant reacts
ReplyDeleteThis bickering with a outsider is a waste of time. We all know its some kind of management. They keep trying to say we aint about the residents. Thats all we are about.
ReplyDeleteWe havent even mentioned that we want better pay. We just mentioned we want our pay checks to be correct. We havent asked for anything. allthough we can now.. All we want is better care. Is management trying to fix it. This has been going on for years. We dont even get full time hours with our 45min lunch breaks. etc... they only give that to the newbees. In the meantime who is taking care of our pts. when there is nobody on the floor? the 3-11 supervisor with her clipboard. the other night when we didnt have staff The Dumb was here wanting to give a inservice. Is she real. Look we need help. She is a nurse did she help. Shes a RN. No she wanted to pull from the little we had on the floor. And what about Corp. When she came in. she pulled from the floor to try and find out what is wrong, leaving nobody to take care of the pts. These people who are "outsiders" are not they are in real deep. and they are back stabbers. and they make me sick. Trying to turn this all around about " a bunch of whiners." Who will speak for us, who will speak for our residents. not anybody in the office. I do give credit to the DON who has came in to try and help. She just wants to keep her job. But screw the rest of you because you dont care. AND WE ARE NOT ASS WIPERS, AND WE ARE NOT RETARTED MONKEYS.. you want to know our name. it is not one person, it is all of us. 85%
Yep other facilities are probably watching this and I bet there LIVID how can GIC let a union come in. Because thats where the rest of them are heading too. They better make a change. Start apprciating their staff. that includes all shift. And most important of all take care of your residents. Because they are not a number on your census. They are people we love and care for. You dont know them because you dont come out of your office. Start taking care of your business that you are in. Give them a decent meal, give them the care that you are being paid for. Provide them the staff they need.
ReplyDeleteThey want to tell corporate. Maybe we should contact chanel news thats messed up. Hey did you know channel 5 investigates. and he is my friend on face book
ReplyDeleteWhat no comment "Outsider" just say who you are. You want to know me. Im your enemy. LETS PLAY. Because when I play I PLAY TO WIN.
ReplyDeleteWe the people for the people. Its a Federal law we can organize, we can Unionize.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with this mission
ReplyDeleteIf you want anyone of us to listen to you. Bring that nurse back. You fools dont you see what you have done. You are so greedy and ingnorant. He was the best. and you know it. Everyone loved him. Residents and staff. He worked till he couldnt see straight. he put up with bull shit for 8 years. you people dont even know how many holidays he gave up for you. Oh you make us sick. He would help anybody anytime, even those who claimed to be his friend not to mention any names (strawberry) he taught new nurses RN's everything to help them succed here. People all people relied on him. Even administration tht might be why they fired him because he knew more than them and probably made them look stupid. I tried to talk him into filing a discrimination suit. He is the best. you will never replace him I dont care how many Rn'S YOU HIRE. You FUCKS
ReplyDeleteOMG I just found out. How can this happen. Can the Union help us. Who is next? Li
ReplyDeleteZ and Vicki. OMG I Sweat they better not. What can we do for him. I will help any way any how. Just tell me. What did the sleeping giant say. We havent heard from the sleeping giant. When will that person say something for us. Give us hope. We rely on that person. Stawberry quit crying
I think he has given alot more years then that bc he worked out here b4
ReplyDeleteHe is n was the best n he intimidated them bc of his knowledge of the building n the policies y do u think they used a BS excuse like his attendance Thats freakn funny bc He was there almost all 365 days in a yr hell he was the king of overtime
So when he got SICK n actually called out it was on a wkend n that pissed some1 off
All i can say is jimmy u taught me alot over the years n i hope 1day we work together again bc u r a true TEAM PLAYER
Hey Liz is working tonight. What do you think they will do, meet her the time clock.
ReplyDeleteLets all picket outside without the union.. Bring that nurse back... lEAVE LIZ AND VICKI ALONE. We will not give up, we will not give in Union or not. Lets tell the families that they just terminated him.. oh watch all hell break loose. You people who are jelous of him. You should have learned from him. you will never be the best. Strawberry quit crying and you and your friend Uncle Tom GO TO HELL
ReplyDeleteI cant wait 2 get up 1 morning n grab a cup of coffee n turn on the news n c GLC on channel 5
ReplyDeleteWith my coworkers picketting n the office people trying 2 act like they had no clue it was this serious of a situation
Can any1 say mutanty
ReplyDeleteMutanty hell We want Jimmy back Bring Jimmy back Bring Jimmy back Bring Jimmy back Bring Jimmy back.
ReplyDeleteScare tactics number 1 Week 1
ReplyDeleteHey outsider. We have had quite a few codes in just the last month or so. So you shut the fuck up and get a life. I don't comment on here much but I am sick of you bashing us as an outsider. Why would you not put your name if we don't even know you and no one here wants to read your mr know it all bullshit. I am a damn good nurse and dont deserve to be bashed by some dumbass out there in cyberspace. You people bashing us and eachother is making me so mad. Don't we all have enough stress in our lives? Please blog master delete these so called trolls and outsiders comments. They are annoying and worthless.
Pride is a lot easier to swallow once you've chewed on it a while. You girls will have to swallow it eventually. ;)
ReplyDeleteRetarded Monkeys never really win... ;)
I am going to miss this blog when it's gone.
ReplyDeleteWhy would you have double standards? You're trying to call me out because I am anonymous and yet, so are all of you. I don't have a thing to lose here, so who's the cowards? ;)